Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. Releases The Email Chain That Arranged A Meeting With A Russian Source That Had Damaging Intel On The Clintons

The Hill: Trump Jr. releases email chain on conversations with Russian sources

Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday released a stunning chain of emails highlighting his conversations about setting up a controversial campaign meeting with a Russian lawyer offering compromising information on Hillary Clinton.

“The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with [Agalarov’s] father Aras this morning and their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia would be very useful to your father,” reads one of the emails from Rob Goldstone to Trump Jr.

“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

Read more ....

WNU editor: The email chain is between Rob Goldstone and Donald Trump Jr. Nothing noteworthy .... just Rob Goldstone excited that someone he knows has a Kremlin contact that may have damaging intel/information on the Clintons, and that Donald Trump Jr. should look into it .... which he agreed. Beyond that .... as I had mentioned earlier this morning .... if this is all that the critics of the Trump administration have .... this story is waaayyy blown out of proportion.

Update: The Russian lawyer who is the center of this story is now speaking out .... Russian Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr.: I Didn’t Have Clinton Info They Wanted (NBC).


fred said...

King Lear: nothing will come of nothing
Genesis: the world came of nothing

Jay Farquharson said...



Sheerah said...

Also, the lawyer said she did not have Russian government ties...

RussInSoCal said...

Swing! (miss)

/and keep in citing Daily Kos. LMFAO

Jay Farquharson said...



Anonymous said...

Lmfao Lmfao. . We can keep playing this retarded game for another 9 months if you want. It's getting a bit ridiculous now though. ..

Cnn & nytimes: omg omg we finally got him doing xyz - come watch and click

You guys: omfg it must be true *actually go and watch and click*

Cnn & nytimes make $$$$ and it's rinse and repeat. ..

Let's see what you guys Fall for next





RussInSoCal said...

Yep. It's only on these threads that the farq troll tools out of his wigwam and masterbates to anti-trump agitprop.

It's got nothing else. And yes, it's pathetic.

Chase jones said...

Its the hormones! Making the transition makes you very sensitive to big mean bullys like trump so they will belive any bulshit they hear thats anti trump lol. Canada c16 bill is his most proud monent lol

Jay Farquharson said...

“I don’t know – it’s hard for me to see any U.S. ties to Russia…
except for:

the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing

and the Tillerson thing

and the Sessions thing

and the Kushner thing

and the Carter Page thing

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing

and the Boris Ephsteyn thing

and the Rosneft thing

and the Gazprom thing

and the Sergey Gorkov banker thing

and the Azerbajain thing

and the “I love Putin” thing

and the Donald Trump, Jr. thing

and the Sergey Kislyak thing

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing

and the Russian Business Interests thing

and the Emoluments Clause thing

and the Alex Schnaider thing

and the hack of the DNC thing

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing

and the Mike Pence “I don’t know anything” thing

and the Russians mysteriously dying thing

and Trump’s public request to Russia to hack Hillary’s email thing

and the Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing

and the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing

and the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing

and the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing

and the Cyprus bank thing

and Trump not releasing his tax returns thing

and the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing

and the election hacking thing

and the GOP platform change on the Ukraine thing

and the Steele Dossier thing

and the Leninist Bannon thing

and Sally Yates prevented from testifying thing

and the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing

and Trump’s reassurance that the Russian connection is all “fake news” thing …

and Spicer’s Russian Dressing “nothing’s wrong” thing …

and the Chaffetz thing,....

and Session's non-recusal from the Russian thing after promising to recuse himself after lying to Congress about the Russian's thing,

and the Yate's firing,

and the Comey firing,

and the Bharara firing,

and the Larov/Kislyak/Trump meeting,

and the Russian Photographer thing,

and the Indicted Stone for the Russian Thing talking to Trump about firing Comey thing,

and Trump's Spokeswoman, Saunder's saying the Comey Firing was about shutting down the Russia/Trump Investigations thing,

and Lying Spice in the bushes with the candlestick,

and the Trump Lawyer's "No Russians" letter by the Russian Law Firm of the Year,

and the Comey/Trump/Tapes threat,

and the Larov/Russia trolling the US thing,

and Trump's Dirty Fucking Hippie "Peace in the Ukraine" Flower Power tweet after meeting Larov thing,

and the Guelen kidnapping and rendition thing,

and the Cohen/Artimenko/Sater Ukraine deal thing,

and the Eric Trump/Golf Courses/Russian Backers thing,

and the "Comey told me three times" thing,

and the 180 current and former Attorney General's letter calling for a special prosecutor,

and the Dutch TV ( Zembla) Investigative documentary, "The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump: Part 1, The Russians",

and Deutsche Bank executive William S. Broeksmit's "suicide",

and the sudden settlement of the Prevezon LLC money laundering case, in the wake of Attorney General Preet Bharara's firing by Trump,

Jay Farquharson said...

and the "thinking" then publicly saying that "Loyalty Oaths" to Hair Furour by Government Bureaucrats in violation of the Constitution is "normal" thing,

and Trump sharing classified intel with the Russian's during their meeting that was not cleared to be shared with the Russians,

and the War Zone Blood Diamonds thing,

and the Putin asked and Trump "couldn't say no" Kislyak thing,

and the Manifort tax free, $3.5 million dollar open term "loan" from the Russian Mob connected Bank of Cyprus Numbered Account,

and the Comey Meeting Memo noting that Trump tried to shut down the Flynn Investigation the day after Flynn was fired.

and the last minute Trump Toronto VEB/Schnaider bankruptcy bail out, while Putin was Chairman of the VEB Board.

and "the Family"/McCarthy/Ryan tape leak discussing who's on Putin's payroll,

and the SGM/Williams/IRI/Pence Political Consulting thing,

and the Flynn/Turkey cancellation of the US Militaries' anti-ISIS plan

and Flynn's lawyer rejecting the Senate subpena,

and Flynn taking the 5th,

and the Dana Rohabatcher thing,

and the Coates/Rogers thing,

and the Flynn/Svetlana Lokhova/GRU thing,

and the "they said I said Israel thing, but I never said it was Israel, but it was Israel," thing,

and the Russian disinfo op against the FBI faking a AG Lynch email,

and Trump lawyering up,

and Trump's lawyer Kazowitz also being Putin's Sberbank's lawyer,

and Session's non-disclosure of contacts with the Russians on his #86 NSC form,

and the reports of the FSB discussions on how to best leverage Flynn and Manifort,

and the Trump Administration's ramping up and full staffing of the Trump/Russia "war room" to push back against the Investigations,
while 445 Federal Appointee's havn't even been nominated by the Trump Administration, and remain vacant, (80%),

and Nevins/Stone/Mast/Florida GOP/Guccifer2.0/Russian collusion in Florida using the hacked and stolen DNC data sets.

and Pence being scared that Comey and McCabe also took notes of the conversations where he tried to get them to drop Trump/Russia

and Manifort's post resignation collusion with Prebius and other Team Trump members to get the FBI investigation quashed,

and the Kushner/Kisliak/Flynn meeting to set up secret, secure communications between Team Trump and the Kremlin using the Russians secure diplomatic channels,

and that the same meeting set up the Blackwater Prince's secret meeting in the Seychelles,

and the Senate subpoena-ing the Trump Campaign for all records and documents from 2015 forward thing

and Kushner's own Observer newspaper reporting that not only did the NSA's Rogers tell Trump that there was collusion between Team Trump and the Russians, but the NSA has the SIGINT.

and Deripaska offering to testify to the Senate Committee only in exchange for full immunity from all crimes, past and present. ( It was declined),

and Kushner's concealment of his meetings with Venesheconombank on his underwater 666 5th Ave project and it's balloon payments.

and the intercepted communications that suggested to US intelligence that Russians believed "they had the ability to influence the administration through the derogatory information."

and the Senate Investigation now targeting Michel Cohen, Little Big Boy's personal lawyer,

any Flynn now complying with the Senate Subpena's after being threatened by the Senate with contempt charges if he did not comply.

and May 31, 2017, A) Sean Spicer: "Our job, we are focused on the President’s agenda and going forward all questions on these matters will be referred to outside counsel, Mark Kasowitz."

Jay Farquharson said...

and the FBI now investigating the Campaign meeting at the Mayflower hotel between Kislyak, Sessions, Kushner and Trump.

and Team Trump attempts to immediately lift the Russian Sanctions only to be stopped by the Republican House and Senate,

and Meuller and the FBI are taking over a criminal Manifort Corruption investigation that predates Trump/Russia.

and Trump asking both Coate's and Pompeo to tell Comey to shut down the Trump/Russia investigation.

and Comey demanded that Session's stop Trumps attempts to interfere in the Investigation,

and Comey's Testimony of Trumps attempts to Subvert Justice,

and Trump's nomination of Chris Wray as FBI Director who was not only Christie's Bridgegate/ Missing Cell Phone lawyer, but part of Russian Oil Company Rosneft's law team.

and Eric Trump confirming in an interview, that yes, Comey was right, Trump did indeed tell Comey to stop the Trump/Russia investigations.

and Trump's Lawyer, Kasowitz's admission to friends, that he convinced Trump to fire AG Pareet Bahara, because his investigation into Russian Mob money laundering, was going to "take Trump down".

and the 39 State Russian attempts to hack US Election systems, so severe Obama used the hotline to Russia,

and Mueller is now directly investigating Trump for Obstruction of Justice,

and Richard Burt, a paid Lobbiest for the Russians, stating that he was present a two working dinners with Kisylak and Sessions, that Session's has not disclosed,

and the Republican Senate making sure Russian Sanctions passed with a veto proof majority because they don't trust Trump on Russia,

and VP Pence lawyering up,

and Cohen, Trumps lawyer, has now lawyered up,

and the White House Special Counsel has ordered the Trump Transition Team to preserve all documents and emails.

and the House Committee's subpoenaing the Trump Campaigns IT guy, Pascale,

and Session's has lawyered up,

and Trump's FBI nominee has "scrubbed" his resume of Russian ties,

and the FBI is now investigating Bijan Kian, Gen. Flynn's partner,

and Trump asked the NSC for "deliverables" that he can give to Putin at the G20 Meeting,

and DJT Jr's meeting with Russian Mob and Government lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, ostensibly over Russian Orphans, then Hillary dirt, but Natalia Veselnitskaya role is to get the Magnitsky Act revoked, prevent EU adoption of the Magnitsky Act's provisions, so that Putin and his Mob Cronies can keep stashing stolen Russian Tax money offshore,

and DJT Jr's lawyering up with well known Mob/Hacking Criminal Defence Lawyer Alan Futerfas.

and DJT Jr's release of his emails showing attempted collusion with Russia in election interference,



The list just keeps getting longer, day by day, week by week,


Nope, nothing to see here,

all "perfectly normal",

The list just keeps getting longer, day by day, week by week,


Chase jones said...

You saved that bad boy huh lol no way u typed all that out you have posted it on here like 10 times lol i still bet you were for bill c 16 tho

Anonymous said...

I think Jay is envious of Trump because of his women and money, and that is why he hate him so much.

RussInSoCal said...

Its a non-stop farq troll turd drop!!

Jay Farquharson said...


About the only thing left in the Steele Dossier yet to be confirmed, is the Russian Pee Hooker Tape,

I wonder who Putin will give it to, TMZ or PornHub?


Anonymous said...

Jay used to have good input, until Trump won...

Then he turned into his worse enemy. Now he posts links followed by silly 'LMFAO' comments without providing any valuable insight.

Worse thing is, that he probably believes his copy-pasted snippets actually amount to anything reasonable.

Jay - you come across as a man with lots of bitterness. Trump won, get over it. You've been trying 'too hard' and the fact that your buying into anything remotely anti-trump even when its proven to be utter nonsense shows that you are just deluding yourself at this stage.

Jay Farquharson said...



I really am, waking up every day, reading the news, in particular, about 'Murkin's, and laughing my fucking ass off,


I'm getting more enjoyment from the news, regarding America's Self Inflicted injuries, than Bush II or even 3 Stooges marathons,


fred said...

Calling names not a substantive argument and hiding behind anon a sissy thing

Jay Farquharson said...

Yup, they are Pussies and Cowards at heart,


And more than a little bit treasonous and authotarian.

Then there's also that time lag between what I post, and then, what Putin tells them to do in response,


RussInSoCal said...

farq troll needs to keep doing exactly what it's doing - being a caricature of the modern Left. I.E.: Losers. Every time.

/Go back to Romper Room, farq troll (Daily Kos, Snarky Pony, Teen Vogue, Balloon Juice, etc....) The adults are talking.

Anonymous said...

Jay is CNNs most important target group..slightly autistic (can't turn it off) and then forgets everything else on the other side. ..all the lies by cnn - those are OK and believable.. but Trump says something - anything really - and he makes this autistic screeching sound and then goes here to post 20 times in 5 minutes. ..

Jay Farquharson said...


Soon enough, Russ in SoCal, will be Russian in Sletvanaversk,







Your 401k in Russia, belongs to the Kyulev Group,


Within a year, you will have to run and hide, having cosen treason,


Jay Farquharson said...


Another "real" post by somebody too gutless and yellow to not even put a "fake name" on their post,

I have half an interest in telling my friends in Anonymous, about you, and how you are abusing their good name,


Google Anonymous isn't even close to being Anonymous to anybody with the least bit of google fu


Does your employer, if you have one, wanna know what you do in your off hours?


Anonymous said...

True liberal at heart ha ha. Making empty threats when some one do not agree with you.

You remind of the old stereotype of the old man telling youngsters to get off their lawn.