Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Editor's Note

What was suppose to be a 15 minute conversation ended up lasting 3 hours. Military and Intelligence News Briefs will be posted at 17:00 EST (instead of now), and World News Briefs will be posted at 18:00 EST (instead of 9:00 EST) later today.


James said...

"What was suppose to be a 15 minute conversation ended up lasting 3 hours."
With your Proctologist?!?!? That's never good.

War News Updates Editor said...

And I just finished another Skype conversation that was suppose to be 2 minutes but lasted an hour and a half. Sighhh ... I am never getting ahead.

James said...

Wow, you guys really are something. Offering loans, getting proctology reports by skype, and skullduggery world wide, you Russians are busy little devils.

War News Updates Editor said...

James. And it is a quiet day today. :)