Thursday, July 6, 2017

EU Parliament Moves To Drop Accession Talks With Turkey

DW: European parliament votes to suspend Turkey EU accession talks

The parliament concluded that Turkey has abandoned the fundamental principles of democracy. The same day, Turkish police detained a group of human rights activists, including Amnesty International's Turkey director.

The European Parliament in Strasbourg on Thursday voted for the suspension of membership talks with Turkey.

The vote on the proposal passed by a wide margin, with support from the biggest party groups.

Proponents of the measure say Erdogan's crackdown on opposition forces and the media mean Ankara cannot meet the bloc's democratic criteria.

However, the parliament has little sway on the issue. The European Commission and EU member state governments have so far ignored calls for the process, already effectively in limbo, to be formally suspended.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Turkey is refusing to accept the fact that they have just been told by the EU to get out .... EU parliament calls for Turkey accession talks to be suspended (Reuters). More here .... Ankara says EU MPs’ call to freeze ties ‘null and void’ (Daily Hurriyet News). Memo to Turkey .... your dreams of joining Europe have been rejected today .... accept it.

More News On The EU Parliament Moving To Drop Accession Talks With Turkey

EU Parliament Advises Freeze of Turkey's Membership Talks -- AP
European Parliament votes to accept proposal to suspend Turkey’s EU accession talks -- Hurriyet Daily News
MEPs say Turkey accession talks should be suspended -- Politico
EU Parliament Advises Freeze of Turkey’s Membership Talks Over Human Rights and Democracy Concerns -- Fortune
EU Parliament votes for Turkish accession talks to be suspended -- RT


Unknown said...

The PC crowd does not have the temerity to voice the truth.

Islam is the problem.

If Turkey was secular, then it would have been part of the EU now.

Turkey has become less secular every year that Erdogan's party won the mayorship of Istanbul.

Even before that Turkey had a problem. When Turkish military officers (3) you meet in Eastern Europe ask you, if you are Jewish merely, because you have a biblical name, then the religious fanaticism runs deep. (Funny thing is there had been no church attendance in 2 decades)

European leaders will not say this, but their refusal over decades to let Turkey join says it all.

Unknown said...

Many anti-Jihadist question whether the Crimean War was necessary.

They also question if Britain and France were stupid for 'asking' Russian to stop hostilities in 1877.