Monday, July 3, 2017

Is CNN Trying To Shut Down President Trump's Twitter Account?

CNN: Twitter says Trump's tweet doesn't violate its rules

Twitter says President Trump's latest anti-media tweet doesn't violate its rules.

Twitter told CNN on Sunday that the company reviewed the tweet, which features a WWE video that has been edited to show Trump beating up a man with a CNN logo on his face.

Twitter said it considered three factors: the political context of the conversation surrounding the tweet, the various ways it could be interpreted and the lack of details in the tweet itself.

According to its rules, Twitter may suspend an account for a number of reasons, including if the user makes violent threats; attacks people based on race, religion, gender and more; or engages "in the targeted abuse or harassment of others."

Read more ....

Update: Twitter says Trump tweet doesn't violate its rules (The Hill)

WNU Editor: The above report is interesting in that Twitter went out of its way to tell CNN that President Trump's tweet did not violate its rules. Why did Twitter do that? Is it because CNN filed a complaint? And if President Trump had "violated the rules" .... would Twitter have shut his account down? A lot of questions .... no answers (so far). But what we do know is that Twitter does not see President Trump's tweet as a threat, nor is it targeting abuse and/or harassment of others.

On a side note .... President Trump's tweet yesterday was the second most popular one that he has ever posted (293,000 re-tweets and 480,000 likes), the first one being what he tweeted on election day last year (339,000 re-tweets and 568,000 likes). See below ....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Liberals do not get the WWF or wrastling.

They would go after it already like NASCAR, except wrestling does not burn fossil fuels.

I just looked up a whole lot of stuff about Appalachia in regards to the Democrat party and the 'lite.

The Dems are putting down Appalachia for being poor, stupid, not instep with leftist values, ...

They are like why should we put out an olive branch or refrain from ridiculing them, they hate us.

At least one leftist pundit said the Dems used to own Appalachia until they went astray.

The Dems do not get the language or culture of Wrastling, Appalachia, or NASCAR.

I hope CNN keeps on keeping on, so they can be like the NYT and be in layoff mode.