Thursday, July 6, 2017

Is President Trump's Tough Talk On Trade Working?

Andrew Malcolm, Hot Air: Shock Report: Trump’s Tough Trade Talk Is Working

As the G-20 summit gets underway in Germany, a shocking study out of Britain suggests — are you sitting down? — President Trump’s aggressive statements on trade may actually be working to the benefit of the United States.

Stay with us because you probably won’t see much about this White House success elsewhere. Critics have long suggested that Trump’s bluntness would alienate trade partners or, worse, even ignite trade wars. True, some like Germany are not happy.

But the Center for Economic Policy Research in London has just reported that the other 19 G-20 economies took 52 steps against United States commercial entities in the first six months of this year.

And that, the Center reports, is — wait for it — down 29% from the first six months of last year when someone, let’s say, more aloof and less outspoken was president of the United States. These actions against U.S. interests include quotas, duties and tariffs on imports from the U.S., measures against dumping and tax incentives for exporters that could adversely U.S. companies.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I can only speak for Canada .... and in this country all parties are getting ready for negotiations on trade .... trade talks that were not even on the radar last year .... NAFTA talks near for Canada: What’s going on? A guide (Globe and Mail). But President Trump cannot entirely take credit for the U.S. being tough on trade, its been going for a while ....

.... But the Center found the U.S. has been by far the worst protectionist offender against G20 countries during the last eight years. Since 2008, the Center reports, “the U.S. has pushed though nearly 1,250 protectionist measures. During the same period, China struck 265 times and South Korea 145 times.

On a side note .... tough talk from the U.S. on more defence spending has had an impact .... for Canada .... Canada To Boost Its Military Budget By 70% Over The Next Decade (June 7, 2017), and for NATO .... NATO Members Boosting Defense Spending (June 28, 2017).


Jay Farquharson said...

Unknown said...

A foreign company can never own more than 49% of any Japanese company.

Germany will trade with Japan until the last Greek is destitute.

Jay Farquharson said...

Unknown said...

Another post without a point.

Sometimes demand supply precedes demand, but not always.

You still have not answered whether anything about kilts.

Jay Farquharson said...


Unknown said...

There was no one lower than Obama.


They have not released his grades.

Jay Farquharson said...


Can't find a hotel, can't find a limo,


Unknown said...

Great Minds think alike.

In the Medieval Age a peasant would die and the Lord (i.e. the gov.) would get the best cow.

In the Modern age, we are so sophisticated and the government gets death taxes.

Good Minds think alike.
We went around death taxes too and we make nowhere near what Trump makes.