Thursday, July 6, 2017

North Korea Says That Destroying South Korea Would Be A 'Piece Of Cake'


Sputnik: Pyongyang: Destroying South Korea Would be a ‘Piece of Cake’

North Korean state media railed against its southern neighbor Thursday for staging a joint missile drill with the US following Pyongyang’s jarring intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch, saying it would be a “piece of cake” to destroy South Korea.

The report, published by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), decried Seoul as "puppet military gangsters," claiming "It will be as easy as a piece of cake for the [North] to wipe out the puppet forces… as we are now able to destroy even the US mainland across the ocean."

Pyongyang claims the Hwasong-14 ICBM, is capable of striking the "heart of the United States" with "large heavy nuclear warheads." The ominous benchmark was passed despite US President Donald Trump’s Twitter proclamation before entering office that the development of such a missile "won't happen!"

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Sadly .... North Korea is right .... Pre-emptive U.S. strike on North Korea could lead to catastrophe: Mattis (Global news/AP).


Unknown said...

The 100 families will not launch war, if they know for a fact that they would be hunted down to the last person and executed.

Funny but Idi Amin, Hitler, Himmler & others like them never fought a battle where they were the last man and went down shooting. The North Koreans dudes cannot be any different than them.

fazman said...

What are they right about? They cannot destroy south korea easily, inflict pain yes but destroy the South no.
There are many studies showing the limitations of the nork artillery, the vunerability of it and the logistical nightmare they have supplying, rearming and moving and sustaining their forces for any prolonged period.
So the u.s military is paralysed unless the enemy either has no conventional forces,no armour, no artillery, no navy, etc.
In other words Putin can at anytime invade the baltic states with impunity, iran can shut down the straight with impunity as there is no orice the west is willing to pay?
The Soviets should have rumbled across the Fulda gap decades ago, as they have long learnt that the western militaries have no appetite for combatting a coherent military opposition under almost any circumstances.

fazman said...

What are they right about? They cannot destroy south korea easily, inflict pain yes but destroy the South no.
There are many studies showing the limitations of the nork artillery, the vunerability of it and the logistical nightmare they have supplying, rearming and moving and sustaining their forces for any prolonged period.
So the u.s military is paralysed unless the enemy either has no conventional forces,no armour, no artillery, no navy, etc.
In other words Putin can at anytime invade the baltic states with impunity, iran can shut down the straight with impunity as there is no orice the west is willing to pay?
The Soviets should have rumbled across the Fulda gap decades ago, as they have long learnt that the western militaries have no appetite for combatting a coherent military opposition under almost any circumstances.

Unknown said...

It could be worse.

The U.S. could be paralysed by bringing a dog to the meeting.

Putin bright a dog to a meeting with Mutti & Merkel went all weakkneed.

Jay Farquharson said...

The US has 18 MOP's capable of taking out NORK subterranian bunkers,

The US has 250 GBU-28's capable of taking out "normal" concrete bunkers and blockhouses.

The NORK's have 8,000 subterranian bunkers housing rocket forces, artillary, tank regiments, command and control centers, many of which provide prepositioned fire,

and at least 6 tunnel systems underneath the DMZ, wide enough for tank column's to drive 2 abreast, with exits only a few miles from Seoul.

fazman said...

Unknown said...

"6 tunnel systems underneath the DMZ"

That BS is cause for war right there.

You forgot hypobaric among other things.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the link Fazman. I missed this Stratfor report.

Jay Farquharson said...

The NORK's adopted the US Policy that "might makes right" after the Korean War.

"Peace through Strength" per se.

That's why Kim's still standing strong, when so many others have fallen.

fazman said...

Typical German fetish for our 4 legged friends.

fazman said...

Your welcome