Thursday, July 13, 2017

Is Senator McCain Trying To Undermine President Trump?

Daily Mail: Revealed: 'Ordinary 'citizen' John McCain dispatched a trusted aide across the Atlantic to get dirty dossier from ex-spy after former British diplomat told him about blackmail tapes

* The Guardian charted the path the dirty dossier made from a British intelligence professional to Sen. John McCain and then the FBI
* McCain, 80, put out a statement Wednesday saying that he was the bureau's source of the controversial dossier
* The Arizona Republican found out about the dossier's existence while at a meeting in Canada and dispatched an emissary to hunt it down
* He met an ex-British diplomat in Canada - now identified as Sir Andrew Wood -who in one version of events told him about the file
* Wood is a former associate of Tony Blair the ex-British prime minister, and admitted talking to McCain
* He issued a nuanced statement saying he did not give McCain the dossier and had 'done nothing wrong' - but he did not deny telling McCain the file existed

Sen. John McCain said he did 'what any citizen would do' in turning over the dirty dossier, which contained unconfirmed secrets about the president-elect, over to the FBI.

The Guardian charted the path of how the dossier came to be and how it was that McCain got his hands on the controversial documents.

The story of the dossier began with an investigative firm in Washington, D.C., being tapped by one of Trump's primary allies to dig up some opposition research on the Republican hopeful.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Guardian story that charts the path of this dossier (and Senator McCain's role in it) is here .... How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain (The Guardian). Sen. McCain's involvement with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya has also come to light with this discovery by Trump supporter Jack Posobiac of this picture of her in John McCain's office on Christmas Eve (see link here). Is Senator McCain involved in a campaign to destroy the Trump Presidency .... it sure looks like it. But this is old news. It has not been a secret that Senator McCain is no fan of President Trump, and his role in this dossier has been reported numerous times by the press and by this blog. On a side note, it should be noted that the author of this Russian dossier has admitted that its contents have not been verified .... and that there is no evidence to back its claims .... Ex-British Spy Admits That His 'Dirty' Dossier On Trump Was Not Verified (April 26, 2017)

On a side note, this is still ongoing .... The Company Behind The Russian Dossier On Trump Does Not Want To Cooperate With Congress (June 10, 2017)


Anonymous said...

It just takes time. Watergate took 2 years. ;)

Anonymous said...

Is Senator McCain Trying To Undermine President Trump?

Why on earth would anyone presume this? /s

Carl said...

"It has not been a secret that Senator McCain is no fan of President Trump." Hah! Anybody who's been aware of McCain's activities over the past decade or so knows that he's no fan of sanity, period. This guy has never met a terrorist or war he didn't like, especially if the result is a disaster for legitimate U.S. strategic interests. He's backed Al Qaeda terrorist trying to overthrow the government in Syria and he backs Nazis in Ukraine. it would be broadly more accurate to ask: Is Senate McCain Trying to Undermine the Safety and Security of the United States?

Unknown said...

"It just takes time. Watergate took 2 years. ;) "

blabbity, blabbity, blabbity, blah.

Obama DOJ Allowed Russian Lawyer to Enter U.S. Without Visa Before Trump Team Meeting

Ex-California Dem Congressman Worked for Russian Lawyer in Scandal

It is past time to imprison a lot of Democrat politicians and bureaucrats.

Unknown said...

McCain is proof there is life after death.

Albeit it is a half life without a spark of intelligence, but it is life.

Unknown said...

McCain could have a career after Congress.

He could walk onto the set of TWD.

Think of all the $ they would save by not needing makeup!