Saturday, July 8, 2017

President Trump's Crackdown On Leakers Is Raising Concerns

Ali Watkins and Josh Dawsey, Politico: Trump’s leaks crackdown sends chills through national security world

Agency officials say measures have been taken to isolate leakers, creating a culture of fear.

National security officials across the federal government say they are seeing new restrictions on who can access sensitive information, fueling fears in the intelligence and security community that the Trump administration has stepped up a stealthy operation to smoke out leakers.

Officials at various national security agencies also say they are becoming more concerned that the administration is carefully tracking what they’re doing and who they’re talking to — then plotting to use them as a scapegoat or accuse them of leaks.

Read more ....

WNU editor: Leaking intelligence is a serious crime .... so why the chill? If you do nothing wrong .... you have nothing to fear.


RussInSoCal said...

Trump's leak stomp s raising concerns?

I should damn well hope so.

Peter rigters said...

How is taking measures against a felony of wich you get 10 years in prison , and not even mentioning the threat to national security plus helping your enemy's
How is taking measures against that shocking
The only thing shocking is that is has been going on so long and how much damage is already done
That people want to be "famous" like edward snowden and there for comprimise national security is a trend that is far more shocking to me than actively combatting these FELONY's being commited 9/10 times for personal gain

Peter rigters said...

Now are these leaks a very different story than snowden BY FAR
But you catch my drift

Anonymous said...

Obama went hard and heavy after leakers, but the press didn't get bent about that.

RC21 said...

A few Instances of the FBI raiding leaker's homes in suburban Virginia would do much to limit the passing of classified information to the press. When it comes to dealing with cleared persons suspected of passing classified information, even FOUO data, the investigate power of the government is nearly limitless. The administration is whining, they need to put the hammer down. RC21

jimbrown said...

HRC set an low extremely low bar of respect for classified info. She or someone of her rank needs to be punished for their actions. These new violaters are trying to intimadate the president with information. To hell with them.