Friday, July 7, 2017

Rachel Maddow’s ‘Carefully Forged’ Document Story Raises Some Eyebrows

Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept: Rachel Maddow’s Exclusive “Scoop” About a Fake NSA Document Raises Several Key Questions

MSNBC’S RACHEL MADDOW devoted the first 21 minutes of her Thursday night program to what she promoted as an “exclusive” scoop. The cable news host said that someone had sent her a “carefully forged” top-secret NSA document that used a top-secret document The Intercept reported on and published on June 5 as a template. That document — from the June 5 Intercept report — was from an unknown NSA official, and purported to describe Russian attempts to hack election officials and suppliers.

Maddow said her report should serve as a “heads up” to other news organizations that someone is attempting to destroy the credibility of those who report on Trump’s connections to Russia by purposely giving them false information. She suggested, without stating, that this may have been what caused CNN and other outlets recently to publish reports about Trump and/or Russia that ended up being retracted.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Glenn Greenwald is not impressed with Rachel Maddow's scoop about a fake NSA document. Her claim that this is a deliberate attempt by a presidential insider to discredit future stories is also a stretch .... she provides no proof, just an opinion that reflects her biases. Bottom line.... this story is a nothing-burger. So why all the publicity and claims that this is someone in the White House who is doing this .... you tell me.

More News On Rachel Maddow’s Forged Document Story Raising Questions

The Intercept: Maddow’s ‘Carefully Forged’ Document Came From a Public Source -- Washington Free Beacon
Maddow: ‘Fairly convincing fake NSA document’ sent to MSNBC showing Trump-Russia collusion -- Washington Times
Rachel Maddow says she was sent FAKE documents implicating Trump and Russia - and claims it was a deliberate attempt by presidential campaign insider to discredit future stories -- Daily Mail
Maddow warns other media of fake NSA documents -- The Hill
Rachel Maddow warns media about forged document on Trump-Russia: ‘Heads up, everybody’ -- Washington Post
Rachel Maddow Caught In Latest Fake News Scandal; Proof Her "Forged NSA Document" Segment Was A Hoax -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

Sounds more like a getting out of jail card for her previous actions, innuendo and otherwise accusations

James said...

Actually would have been a pretty smart move................3 months ago.

TWN said...

The media lies so much who knows what to believe anymore, anything that comes out of Maddows mouth is agenda driven and can't be trusted.

Unknown said...

"Sounds more like a getting out of jail card for her previous actions, innuendo and otherwise accusations "

- Anon

Maddow use to be a smart person until she started working for CNN.

fred said...

As in much that is available today, the reality is nether 1 or 0, true/false but rather a mix. Rachel's "scoop," viewed as non scoop by Zero Hedge,in fact has elements worth considering, as AS NOTED HERE

Unknown said...

Asked about her political views by the Valley Advocate, Maddow replied, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

The American Presidency project at (Should be a safe site .edu computer virus-wise)

"1952 Republican National Convention ...

- end the unpopular war in Korea,
- supported the development of nuclear weapons as a deterrence strategy,
- to fire all "the loafers, incompetents and unnecessary employees" at the State Department,
- condemned the Roosevelt and Truman administrations' economic policies,
- supported retention of the Taft-Hartley Act,
- opposed "discrimination against race, religion or national origin",
- supported "Federal action toward the elimination of lynching",
- pledged to bring an end to communist subversion in the United States."

I would say that Rachel Maddow is lying or ignorant.

Unknown said...


your link is a bust.

You need to brush up on your HTML.

I like this site as a quick look up / reference.

If you ever used WordStar back in the day, then HTML is duck soup.

fred said...

sorry...i fiddle with stuff but, alas, at 88, I am not what I once was. The good news? Next week I will be getting my legal medical cannibas!

fred said...

here then is what I tried to grab

put into brower and voila

Unknown said...


Why not marinol?

Still smoking cannibas has advantages over a pill. that is you get into a state of mind that IMO increases the sense of well being and/or placebo effect.

For example just sitting down with a beer in a good chair with time to relax just puts you in a great state of mind and that is before drinking a drop. So there is that for smoking.