Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Revenge Killings And Mass Executions Being Reported In Mosul

DW: Iraqi armed forces out for revenge in Mosul

The recapture of Mosul has brought with it the torture and mass execution of "Islamic State" fighters and their families. The government is looking the other way, and it seems the US-led anti-IS coalition is too.

Iraq's anti-terror unit last week reportedly captured foreign "Islamic State" (IS) fighter Linda W., a 16-year-old from the eastern German town of Pulsnitz. Information thus far has been contradictory. One thing, however, is clear: If she was among those caught, she can consider herself lucky to be alive.

A number of women in the terrorist militia wore explosive belts and at least 2,000 people were killed by coalition bombs in Mosul, according to the nongovernmental organization (NGO) Airwars, which monitors civilian casualties resulting from international airstrikes in Syria, Libya and Iraq. Furthermore, Iraqi forces have been credibly said not only to be torturing and executing IS fighters, but also their families.

Read more ....

WNU editor: This video (if true) gives an indication on how these captured ISIS fighters are being kept/treated (video link here).

More News On Reports Of Revenge Killings And Mass Executions In Mosul

Iraqi officer seeks vengeance in Mosul, where killings mount -- AP
Iraqi soldiers' torture videos 'risk plunging country back into sectarian violence' -- The Telegraph
Iraqis hold suspected militants in cramped, stifling prison -- RUDAW/AP
Iraq: Execution Site Near Mosul’s Old City -- Human Rights Watch
In camps and ruins, Mosul civilians' ordeal is far from over -- Reuters
Hundreds of suspected Daesh captives face abuses in Iraqi prisons -- TRT
'ISIS suspects dying amid horrific conditions in Mosul prisons' – Human Rights Watch -- RT
Iraqi PM: Rights violations in Mosul were 'individual acts' -- Military Times/AP
Merkel urges Iraq to probe alleged human rights abuses in Mosul -- Reuters
Revenge Attacks on Families of ISIS Members Could Start a New Cycle of Violence in Iraq -- The Intercept


Anonymous said...

He he, you reap what you sow.

Bert Bert said...

They are killing their own people, time for regime change. We also should have performed regime change in the U.S. During the US civil war. What a mess.

B.Poster said...

"....time for regime change..." actually, very respectfully, its time for us to stay out of this. Let's see had we stayed out of the battle for Mosul at the beginning Iraqi forces and their allies still take Mosul. It might take a bit longer and the casualties would have been higher than with our assistance. This can be said with pretty much absolute certainty. Additionally had the US and its allies not invaded Iraq on what may have been false pretenses and on top of this had the leaders not performed so incompetently all of these people would likely still be alive today and none of this would have been necessary.

I think we have caused enough damage to Iraq and many places. It's time for us to leave. For a country whose military is so depleted that even basic national defense is going to be problematic, to be messing around in places Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ukraine just to name a few seems a colossal waste of precious and limited resources not to mention the harm this is causing.

I think we did perform regime change in the Civil War to the extent the south was utterly defeated. Candidate Trump backed away from the concept of nation building. Candidate Trump was right to do so.

"He he, you reap what you sow." While I do not find any of this funny, the statement is true. One does reap what they sow.

Bert Bert said...

Just to be clear the above is sarcasm. I don't think we should involve ourself in these other countries without some sort of very compelling and non-unilateral reason.

RussInSoCal said...

Not pretty. But I'll reserve judgement untill after a rogue terrorist army loots and rapes and murders everything/everyone I love and cherish.

B.Poster said...


Given your other posts here, I should have known you were being sarcastic. If I offended you I apologize.


So true. I couldn't have said this any better myself.