Saturday, July 8, 2017

Russian President Putin: Trump On TV Is 'Very Different From The Real Trump'

RT: Putin: Trump different than on TV, we can restore relations with US

The Donald Trump seen on television is different from the one in real life, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the G20 summit, adding that after his meeting with the US leader in Hamburg, he felt like relations between the two countries could at least partially be restored.

“As for personal relations, I think that they are established,” Putin said of his Friday meeting with Trump.

“The Trump we see on TV is very much different from the real person.”

“I think that if we continue building our relations like during our conversation yesterday, there are grounds to believe that we’ll be able to – at least partially – restore the level of cooperation that we need,” Putin said.

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WNU Editor: Since President Trump's inauguration .... 3 of my friends (one Canadian, one Russian, and one from Ukraine) have met him but under different circumstances. All 3 met him at the White House, in a small group, and for diplomatic reasons. They told me what Putin said today .... his character and demeanour is different in private than on what we the public sees. My Canadian friend who was part of a delegation that met him in Washington a few months back told me that when everyone left Washington to go back home .... the consensus was that he was someone that no one should underestimate, he is not ideological, and that he views everything from a long term perspective. All 3 also told me he is very hospitable, and that he enjoys telling jokes .... even at his own expense.

More News On Russian President Putin's Remarks That Trump On TV Is 'Very Different From The Real Trump'

Vladimir Putin Says Donald Trump 'Very Different' In Real Life -- NDTV/AFP
Putin: Trump On TV Is "Very Different From The Real Trump" -- Zero Hedge
Putin: TV Trump is very different from the real person -- Politico
Putin believes there is a chance to restore relations with US -- TASS
Putin says Trump believed his denial that Russia meddled in election -- The Hill
Moscow Upbeat About Putin-Trump Meeting at G20 -- Moscow Times


Anonymous said...

This is what I've read as well from multiple sources. In public he is brash as we all can see. In private he is kind and humble.

As for being able to tell a joke at one's expense, few are humble enough to do this. In my line of work, I often come in when someone else has screwed up. Also, in my line of work as an income tax accountant and American Certified Public Accountant where MUCH work has to be done in a VERY SHORT period of time I have had my own screw ups.

When dealing with those who can destroy you or your client on a whim in these situations being able to be humble even if it means telling a joke at your own expense can be helpful. I'm pleased to see that perhaps POTUS has this skill.

I might also add even if you or your client are "right" in certain situations challenging the powers that be in court can cost thousands if not tens of thousands. Perhaps you don't have the funds or your client doesn't. Even if the funds are available, we'd prefer to avoid the necessity of spending them.

Telling a joke at one's own expense can go a long way as I can attest to in some situations. I'm pleased to learn that perhaps our POTUS understands this. I'm even more pleased at the possibility that Vladimir Putin may have pegged our president as someone he might be able to work with.

B.Poster said...

Anonymous above is me. While I understand the need to prove "I'm not a robot" is necessary, it can be most aggravating.