Saturday, July 1, 2017

U.S. Court Throws Out Case Of Yemeni Man Killed In A U.S. Drone Strike, Judge Calls Congressional Oversight A Joke

© Khaled Abdullah / Reuters

The Hill: Judge in drone case: Congressional oversight of the military is 'a joke'

An appeals court on Friday upheld a decision to dismiss a lawsuit from a Yemeni man whose relatives were killed in a U.S. drone strike he alleges was unlawful.

A three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit agreed with a lower court that it does not have jurisdiction to judge military actions.

But the author of the court's decision, Judge Janice Rogers Brown, also wrote a concurring opinion in which she lamented that congressional oversight of the military is a “joke” and concluded that “our democracy is broken.”

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More News On The U.S. Courts Throwing Out The Case Of Yemeni Man Killed In A U.S. Drone Strike

US federal court tosses out lawsuit over Yemeni men killed in drone strike -- The Guardian
US judge: 'Democracy is broken' without drone oversight -- Al Jazeera
US court dismisses Yemen drone strike wrongful death suit -- RT
It’s Time To Open Substantive Discourse Over Judicial Oversight For Drone Strikes -- AsafLubin,


Carl said...

if you haven't actually read the ruling, you should at least read the section of it where Judge Brown makes her comments about the lack of oversight that are reported in the press.

You can get it here:$file/16-5093-1682112.pdf

Unknown said...

Leftist Media Headline - "U.S. veterans support ..."

All 3 of them?
- Cian Westmoreland
- Lisa Ling
- Brandon Bryant

- Are there only 3 U.S. Veterans?
- Do these 3 veterans constitute a majority of U.S. veterans?

Once again FAKE NEWs in that the headlines are slanted to elicit a predetermined Leftist response.

Unknown said...

" lack of oversight that are reported in the press."

the press are the arbiters now?

Is this the same press where NBC used pyrotechnics to proves a certain type of impact exploded when it was T-boned? that press?

Is it the press where they do not think they have to make a profit? This is true a story.

If the erudite wise men of the NYT do not have to make a profit, but can continue on as before, then maybe they should be an arm of the government and the NYT's staff can tax us any amount they want and print anything they want.

Maybe we can call them the Witan of the Grey lady.

Unknown said...

I want a refund for having to read this drivel. At least a coupon for a happy meal. Egad!

fred said...

Fake comment via trumptard

fred said...

Grow up

fred said...

Trumptard comments via. As

Unknown said...

NBC Caught Lying About Chevrolet Trucks Exploding

So news organizations give misleading headlines and they are not suppose to be called on it?

Veterans can mean 2 veterans up to all veterans. Being wordsmiths the reporters knew exactly what they were doing.

I provided you a link to NBC's big lie, since I know you live on the Left bank of the Rube-i-con river.

"NBC Admits It Rigged Crash, Settles GM Suit"

Rube, I use to live by shows like 60 Minutes & 20/20. 60 Minutes was must see TV.
When 20/20 came on Thursdays it was double the enjoyment. Then we learned, who the press really were. They are Democrat activists & pressitutes.