Sunday, July 2, 2017

Watergate Reporter Carl Bernstein: 'Non-Functioning' Trump Presidency Is 'Malignant'?

Zero Hedge: Watergate Reporter Hints At Coup, Warns "Non-Functioning" Trump Presidency Is "Malignant"

While Bob Woodward is more stoic in his public discussion of the predicament this nation finds itself in (lambasting the 'fake news' media rather than directing his ire at the body politik), his partner in un-crime, legendary Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein, called the Trump administration a "malignant presidency" on Saturday, and suggested that the wrongdoings committed by the White House were unprecedented.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The above video was done yesterday. As for today's President Trump tweet on wrestling CNN, this is Carl Bernstein's response (see below).

Update: Fellow Watergate reporter Bob Woodward has a different take .... War: Mueller zeros in on Team Trump, Woodward appeals for appearance of objectivity, president won’t ‘be bullied’ (World Tribune). Bob Woodward is right .... but in today's hyper-partisan atmosphere within the media his concerns and warnings are too late.


Unknown said...

Bernstein like Schumer is malignant.

Senator Schumer has been acting like a drogue anchor. on the business of the U.S. for 8 months.

That is when that schmuck has not been hitting the lever brake hard.

And what of Bernstein. We heard way more of Woodward than Bernstein. Woodward was the brains and the muscle behind 'Woodward & Bernstein'. Bernstein is a no load.


BTW the name Schumer means 'good-for-nothing’ or ‘vagabond’.

That would sum up Senator Chuck U. Schumer quite well.

Chuck U Schumer's 1st crusade was against cereal makers.

... something about how expensive cereal was or collusion or something.

It is not like you can skip dry cereal and grab a bagel.

So does General Mills & Kellog really have a breakfast monopoly/oligarchy?

Maybe the schmuck Senator could have checked out Millville brand dry cereal sold in Aldi's stores. Maybe the schmuck does not really know how the middle class lives or makes ends meet.

The schmuck Schumer tilts at windmills so fiercely he makes Don Quixote look like a genius!

Jac said...

Democrats and media steel refuse to learn their lesson: during the primary and the election they bombard Trump as much as they can...bottom line he was elected.
Americans' are fed-up with politician and liberal oriented media, and that's why they elect Trump. If they continue the same mistake they will have the same result ( insanity is doing the same again and again and expecting a different result. Albert Einstein)