Wednesday, August 2, 2017

China's Anti-Satellite Missile test Fails

Washington Free Beacon: China Carries Out Flight Test of Anti-Satellite Missile

DN-3 missile highlights growing space warfare capabilities.

China recently carried out a flight test of a new anti-satellite missile that highlights the growing threat of Beijing's space warfare capabilities.

The flight test of the Dong Neng-3 direct ascent missile was tracked by U.S. intelligence agencies on July 23 from China's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Inner Mongolia, in northwestern China, said U.S. defense officials familiar with reports of the launch.

The officials said the launch was not successful and the DN-3 appeared to malfunction in the upper atmosphere after the launch at night.

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WNU Editor: It looks like the test was a failure  .... but this is a priority for the Chinese, and I will not be surprised if they attempt another one soon.

1 comment:

Jac said...

There is no question on that. Either Russia or China have to work hard on killing US satellite because that's the spine of the American supremacy with an overwhelming number of these.
The problem for US is to go quickly to find a solution for keeping this superiority which will be at risk to finish any time soon.