Wednesday, August 2, 2017

President Trump: U.S.‘Losing’ Afghan War

NBC: Trump Says U.S.‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

During the July 19 meeting, Trump repeatedly suggested that Defense Secretary James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford replace Gen. John Nicholson, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, because he is not winning the war, the officials said. Trump has not met Nicholson, and the Pentagon has been considering extending his time in Afghanistan.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, according to the officials, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired. He also startled the room with a story that seemed to compare their advice to that of a paid consultant who cost a tony New York restaurateur profits by offering bad advice.

Read more ....

Update: Trump wants Afghan commander fired because he's 'losing': report (The Hill)

WNU Editor: This meeting happened two weeks ago .... but it is being leaked now. As to President Trump's remarks that the U.S. is losing the war .... he is right .... the Taliban are winning.


Jac said...

Of course the Taliban are winning. We have forgotten why we did this war and we are now trying to win an Afghanistan "civil war" which no external nation has win. Waste of time, money and life.
Losing an abroad civil war is not a shame.

Anonymous said...

My sympathies to all the brave Americans who are fighting in Afghanistan while their president plays golf and doesn't communicate a clear strategy or goal.'s never the American soldier who loses. .they almost always win the battles. .but there's an infinite amount of battles if it's not your home country and in the absence of a clear -military- objective (not nation building) it is beyond unfair. .bring those guys home or give them a clear goal. .don't do this neither-this-nor-that to them ffs..

B.Poster said...

Agreed Jac. The Soviet Union couldn't even win Afghanistan. As such, there'd be no reason to think we could. After all the most powerful political entity the world had ever known failed. There's no reason to think we could have done any better.

Our goals were to bring those responsible to 9/11 to justice and to prevent them from rising again. The first goal has been accomplushed. OBL and his henchmen are dead. The Taliban are transitioning to a normal state. Qatar has been willing to establish an embassy with them. More will follow. It's past time for the US to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan. Time to declare "victory", "defeat", or whatever. Such a withdrawal make a negotiated settlement more likely and will save American lives and American money.

Jay Farquharson said...

The US lost in Afghanistan, when, over the objections of the Afghan reformers and Tribal Elders, they put the same Warlords, Druglords and War Criminals back in charge,

In their rush to Iraq.

Now, the people who could have "fixed" Afghanistan, are now dead, (the bloods shared), refufee's or joined up with the Taliban.

TWN said...

Problem can't tell the Taliban from the regular population, problem these guys just don't give up. What is the solution, Genghis Khan them, or use the old control the slave trick separate the men from the women and children then gather all the Women and children then take a dozen or so of the kids and kill them brutally, then tell the women to control their men or all the children will die, OK don't like that one, then you probably wont like this one, cut off the food and water and make the place a free fire zone if it moves kill it, this is variation of the Genghis Khan that I mentioned before. Or just leave because nation building doesn't work and this BS has gone on too long, these wars require a brutality that we have lost in the west, the feminization of the west is our downfall, the last real man that lead in the West was Margret Thacher biggest set balls in a politician 60 years.

Bob Huntley said...

The question is, if America were invaded, by a power much stronger than it, would Americans rise to the occasion and fight off the invaders as the Afghans have or not?