Thursday, August 3, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Has Impanelled A Washington Grand Jury On The Russian Collusion Probe

Robert Mueller. Aaron Bernstein / Reuters

Wall Street Journal: Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Expansion beyond Flynn grand jury is a sign the investigation in election meddling is ramping up.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in Washington to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections, a sign that his inquiry is growing in intensity and entering a new phase, according to people familiar with the matter.

The grand jury, which began its work in recent weeks, is a sign that Mr. Mueller’s inquiry is ramping up and that it will likely continue for months. Mr. Mueller is investigating Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 election and whether President Donald Trump’s campaign or associates colluded with the Kremlin as part of that effort.

A spokesman for Mr. Mueller, Joshua Stueve, declined to comment. Moscow has denied seeking to influence the election, and Mr. Trump has vigorously disputed allegations of collusion. The president has called Mr. Mueller’s inquiry a “witch hunt.”

Ty Cobb, special counsel to the president, said he wasn’t aware that Mr. Mueller had started using a new grand jury. “Grand jury matters are typically secret,” Mr. Cobb said. “The White House favors anything that accelerates the conclusion of his work fairly.…The White House is committed to fully cooperating with Mr. Mueller.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Grand juries are suppose to be secret .... another leak from Robert Mueller's office. But this has been expected .... so now the show begins.

Update: More leaks .... Exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Russian lawyer, Trump Jr. meeting - sources (Reuters).

Update #2: As this blog predicted, Robert Mueller`s Special Commission is drifting away from its original purpose (i.e. Russian collusion) to what were President Trump`s Russian business ties before he announced his intention to run for the Republican primary .... One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail (CNN).


fred said...

What got leaked? the grand jury has not even met as yet. I do not think announcing that the grand jury has been brought into this is a leak.

fred said...

Why it matters: Impaneling a grand jury suggests that Mueller's investigation, which started as a narrow inquiry, is now expanding and intensifying. Moreover, it suggests that Mueller likely knows he will need to subpoena witnesses and documents, as grand juries permit prosecutors to do that, as well as pursue indictments against anyone involved.

Carl said...

This will be a circus, crazier than even the Ken Starr grand jury against Bill Clinton was, a gigantic fishing expedition looking for even the slightest excuse for an indictment. And while Fred is right that the mere fact of the seating of a grand jury is not a secret, its proceedings by law are supposed to be. This is for reasons that will become self evident once the torrent of leaks begins.

Jay Farquharson said...

It's also Grand Jury #2, Grand Jury #1's investigating Flynn,

Another example of Meuller's professionalism, separate lines of inquiry.

fred said...

Carl--you are right of course but you assume Mueller will leak rather than say a juror...or in fact, no one...Why not wait before deciding what will happen in advance.

fred said...


Jay Farquharson said...

By the time Starr, a partizan hack, was brought on board, the Whitewater "investigation" was already a clownshow that had spent 4 years investigating the Clinton's over nothing burger,

By the time it concluded, with the Clinton's being cleared by the 3rd Prosecutor, it had run almost 9 years.

The hunting of the Clinton's took 40 years,

Adolph Twitler will be gone in 2.

War News Updates Editor said...

The link you give is the link for this post. Are you linking to another story?

War News Updates Editor said...

President Clinton lost his law license because of perjury. That's pretty damn serious in my book. And if it was you or me who did that .... heavy fine or jail time.

War News Updates Editor said...

More leaks:
Exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Russian lawyer, Trump Jr. meeting - sources

Jay Farquharson said...

As Ted Rall's SLAPP fight against the LA Times illustrates,

( Ted's been kindly publishing the Court transcripts, so far),

If every Lawyer who perjoured themselves has their lisences revoked, there would be damn few Lawyer's around.

And Clinton was disbarred for lying about a blowjob between two consenting adults, to the US Senate.

Good thing Generals, Politicians, Lobbiests and Wall Streeter's are members of lisenceing Associations, with such high ethical codes, otherwise, how would Agents of a Foreign Government ever manage to get High Government posts,

How would Hair Twitler ever staff the Alt-Reich House?

Anonymous said...

Fred knows what he's doing. He works in mysterious ways sometimes though ;)