Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Chinese Navy Just Commissioned Its Largest Resupply Vessel In History

China Defense Observer

Sputnik: China Adds Monster Supply Ship to Burgeoning Fleet

The fast-growing Chinese Navy commissioned its largest resupply vessel in history into service this week.

Observers noted the vessel in Zhanjiang on Monday wearing the call number 965 — evidence that it has entered service, the South China Morning Post reports. It is twice as large as previous supply vessel variants.

Larger ships like the Type 901 comprise a "core" factor in carrier strike groups, Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo told SCMP. Type 901 will carry oil, weapons and basic living necessities to support other ships in the People’s Liberation Army Navy. IHS Jane’s notes that hoses on the ship’s sides could be used to refuel aircraft carriers.

China’s Liaoning aircraft carrier finally came online last year and the Type 001, a Chinese-made aircraft carrier, was completed in April of this year. Plans are being drafted for a domestically-produced next-generation carrier as well.

Read more ....

Update: China commissions new naval supply ship (South China Morning Post)

WNU Editor: Now that is one big supply ship.


RussInSoCal said...

...and they call US carriers a "big fat target"...

Stephen Davenport said...

Makes for a juicy target

Anonymous said...

Interesting fan tail...

B.Poster said...

US carriers are a "big fat target." Actually "floating death trap" is more accurate. At a glance, this supply ship definitely looks like a "juicy target."

Jac said...

Well, US carriers have, at least, some defense. Support has not.

B.Poster said...


If a supply ship does not have any defense such as battleships, submarines, etc to act as escorts/defense then it is in even worse shape in modern warfare than an aircraft carrier is. I would assume that it does but, yes, as has been stated this does make for a VERY BIG target.

Bob Huntley said...

It seems big unarmed ships are good at damaging US Navy armed ships.

Anonymous said...

Harbor Freight special!

Jay Farquharson said...

TWN said...

China produced 802 Million tons of steel last year so they have the steel to build these ships and many more,the US produced 80 Million tons and the EU about 140 Million tons, Globally China produces about 50% of the steel produced, a position the US and Britain once held.But even scarier China produces $29 Billion worth of machine tools per year, they out produce the US, Germany ,Japan, UK and South Korea combined, you know Machine Tools the things that make weapons, planes, tank, rifles, mess kit, uniforms, and boots.

Unknown said...

"US carriers are a "big fat target." Actually "floating death trap" is more accurate. At a glance, this supply ship definitely looks like a "juicy target." ...A++ Poster

"Should The U.S. Launch An Anti-Propaganda War Against Russia And ISIS? "

"allocated by Congress for fighting terrorist propaganda and Russian disinformation."

There you are A++ Poster

So A++ Poster is an expert an air warfare and knows the capabilities of Standard Missile-3, the new lasers, etc

Maybe A++ does know, because his kindred are gathered together in an auditorium and given pep talks about how his side's weapons are better.

Unknown said...

" China produces $29 Billion worth of machine tools per year" - TWN

TWN has the best comment of this thread.

There is where it is at.

The machine tool behemoth use to be Cincinnati.

But your average 'esquire' inside the Beltway would not know this. Even a person like Greenspan, with a vast amount of education in one 'stovepipe' area does not get it. He said the dirty factories would go overseas and American would be thinkers and innovators.

Well you think and innovate , when you have a problem on the production line and you have to solve it.

You really have to question Greenspan's native intelligence, when he does not understand this and when he marries a MSM shill.

fred said...

All are dupes dumb shills. ESP liberals unless they believe the wit and wisdom of A S

Unknown said...

How do you make a ship, a plane, a tank or any other vehicle.

With machine tools.