Friday, August 25, 2017

U.K. Company Hired To Mentor Afghan Intellgience Officers Bills The U.S. Government $50 Million For Luxury Cars, Weapons, And Booze

Judicial Watch: U.S. Pays $50 Mil for Luxury Cars, Weapons, Booze to Mentor Afghan Intel Officers

A foreign company hired by the U.S. government to mentor and train Afghan intelligence officers billed Uncle Sam for more than $50 million in luxury cars — including Porsches, an Aston Martin, and a Bentley — and the lucrative salaries of executives and their spouses (who didn’t do any work). The firm also spent $1,500 on alcohol and $42,000 on automatic weapons prohibited under the terms of the contract, according to figures provided by a U.S. Senator from a federal audit that has not been released to the public. It marks the latest of many scandals involving the free-flow of American dollars to controversial causes in Afghanistan, where fraud and corruption are rampant in all sectors.

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Update: Iraq hero Tim Collins' firm 'blew £40m of US army cash on Bentleys and perks': Company claims accusations are 'wildly exaggerated' by senator who is trying to make a name for herself (Daily Mail)

WNU editor: This case has been ongoing for a long time .... Defence contractor run by Colonel Tim Collins OBE under investigation for fraud in Afghanistan (The Independent). A textbook example on what happens when you do not supervise and scrutinise your subcontractors. I hope people go to jail for this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has always been like this throughout history. With big money comes corruption.