Thursday, September 7, 2017

Another Scenario On What A Korean War Would Look Like

Breaking Defense: What War With North Korea Would Look Like: 20K NK Dead A Day

Relatively few Americans know many details about how a war between North Korean, the US, South Korean and United Nations force would look. One of them is Rob Givens, who served as the deputy assistant chief of staff for operations of U.S. Forces Korea and as special assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He shares the outlines of what would be a grim struggle, with tens of thousands dead or wounded each day on both sides — and that’s well before anyone who might go mad and use a nuclear weapon. Here’s some of what Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are likely to tell lawmakers on Wednesday. Read on. The Editor.

We often hear war with North Korea is “unimaginable,” but, as North Korea presses ahead with its nuclear and missile tests, the unimaginable is becoming more possible. Gen. Joe Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and President Trump’s top uniformed military advisor, described the potential conflict as, “horrific.” So what would this no-longer-so-unimaginable war look like?

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Another sobering war scenario.


fazman said...

He lost me when he perpetuated the artillery myth.

Anonymous said...

I hate the idea, but I'm quite sure there will be war.

The US cannot allow to be 'nuclearly' blackmailed and threatened like this in public.

Everyone's watching. Everyone. Other dictators are watching. Iran is watching. Terrorists are potential buyers of NKs devices. We see an arms race in Asia. Even JP might want nukes now to defend itself. We could let it all slide, but then there's these videos showing the US engulfed in nuclear holocaust - produced and broadcasted by NK. They threatened the targeted killing of millions of American civilians. Think about this.

We know Kim Jong Un is a ruthless murderer who had family members executed. Last one to die was his half brother. Killed with poison.

Not having this war now might make things even worse. I know it's -unimaginable-, and no one wants this war. But this is a war without choice. And I think we have to have it now, not in half a year or one year when north Korea not only credibly will be able to strike mainland US but actually will succeed. If we don't have it now, we might have to kill even more North Koreans. We cannot allow this to happen. It's already way way too many that might have to die because of this asshole. But, if we do the same as ten years ago, hope for the best and do nothing, we will have for the first time allowed a mad mass murderer to have nukes, and he's already blackmailing the world today. Can you imagine what he'll ask for in 5 years? China backed, of course. We either accept this blackmail and essential victory of North Korea and China in reshaping geopolitics at the barrel of a nuclear gun, or we say it stops now. Enough is enough.

I'm in the latter camp. And yes, if I'd be asked to go to war, I think I would. We cannot be blackmailed like this. We won't be free any longer. Unless you want to rely on the word (he didn't even promise anything, but let's just assume he did) of someone who kills his family members.

Anonymous said...

To reduce north Korean deaths, what technologies can we use? Could we do an EMP strike? From what I know, it is a difficult task that requires precision detonation at the right altitude. Too high and you won't get the desired EMP effect. Too low and you might kill thousands through an unwanted air blast. But the 11000 Artilleries pointing at Seoul - they won't be affected by EMP, right? I imagine they are too old of equipment to rely on transistors etc that would be impacted by EMPS.

Would dropping millions of pamphlets explaining the situation help? Would north Koreans trust any of this? (Oh and as these pamphlets hopefully are being considered as a peaceful means of reducing casualties, and must be printed ahead of time, did you hear about large print contracts? )

What other things can we do?

The language barrier would be very high between American GIs and Norks. Do we have fieldable systems that use AI for rapid and natural translations? Probably not as they rely on cloud access for speedy translation.

This war will be horrific. But that's why it's so important to think about what can be done to reduce death tolls and suffering on both sides now.

Bob Huntley said...


An interesting article from the intercept that if true suggests maybe the population wouldn't even read the pamphlets and/or if they did are unlikely to overthrow their leader or even take cover.

fred said...

I will go along with all the generals who have discussed this issue: There is NO military solution