Saturday, September 9, 2017

At Russia's Request U.S. Warplanes Are No Longer Conducting Surveillance Of The ISIS Convoy In The Syrian Desert

Washington Post: U.S. warplanes are called off surveillance of ISIS convoy, at Russia’s request

BEIRUT — At Russia’s request, the U.S. military on Friday called off its surveillance of a convoy of Islamic State fighters that has been stuck in the Syrian desert for the past 10 days, saying it is now up to the Syrian government to resolve its fate.

The decision to withdraw the warplanes that have been circling over the convoy came after Syrian troops advancing through the province of Deir al-Zour passed the point where the convoy is located, leaving it behind Syrian army lines, according to a military statement.

The convoy became stuck in the no man’s land between the front lines of the Syrian army and the Islamic State after the U.S. military bombed the road ahead to prevent it from reaching Islamic State territory in eastern Syria. It had been traveling there from western Syria under the terms of a deal struck between the Islamic State and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement to end fighting along the Lebanese border.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I guess this agreement puts an end to this .... U.S. Warplanes Are Using The Stranded ISIS Convoy In Syria To Pick-Off Fellow Jihadists Who Are Trying To Rescue Them (September 7, 2017)

More News On U.S. Warplanes No Longer Conducting Surveillance Of The ISIS Convoy In The Syrian Desert

US-led surveillance aircraft leave area near Islamic State convoy in Syria -- Reuters
US Pulls Surveillance of ISIS Convoy After Russian Request -- News
US pulls back surveillance on ISIS convoy at Russian request -- The Hill
Coalition planes leave surveillance of ISIS convoy -- Rudaw


Rodger said...

This make no sense at all....WHY allow the jihadists to escape! They have killed so many, and will kill so many more. This is insanity.

Unknown said...

Yes, but the ISIs had to taste a bitter brew. More to come.

fred said...

Russia requested this!that is why

D.Plowman said...

Russia may be about to test its FOAB bomb...

I actually doubt that, but, this makes no sense. And here's me thinking that bleeding heart liberals would put an end to this!

fred said...

I am dear mr plowman a bleeding heart liberal and I would kill them all as well as your cliches

Unknown said...

This makes perfect sense.

When an army advances and bypasses a fortress or a pocket, they have to "mask the fortress". This is not good, because it lessons the weight of the fist. Of course it is worse to not surround a pocket or a fortress and let them tear up your supply lines, communications and rear area.

The point is that it is cheaper, economy of force, to mask a pocket and clean it up at a later date than to lose momentum on an offensive. At some point though you have to reduce the pocket.

A masked pocket suffers deleterious effects of not being "in supply" unless it is large enough pocket to procure its own supplies. So masking a pocket and then attacking it later has the benefits of attacking a degraded force.

The Russian-Syrian-Iranian-Hezbollah axis weighed the cost benefit of having ISIs scattered versus shortening their lines. The area ISIS evacuated can be patrolled by police, militia, garrison troops or 2nd rate troops. This frees up 1st rate , frontline troops to build up a reserve to launch an offensive on Deir al-Zour . The extra 300 or 800 troops that ISIS might get won't be that much more of a benefit to ISIS.

- They have been forced to retreat. This can be bad for moral. (It can also be good (for ISIS). It can give them a 2nd wind or the belief that no matter how bad it looks f they continue on, something will break their way.)
- ISIS has more soldiers at Deir al-Zour, but they also have more mouths to feed.
- With the final encirclement and battle, the Syrian government will not have be station all over Syria to catch escapees. It is probably easier to escape in the mountains than in the desert. this facilitates Assad's clean up problem.

The Russians are probably glad the American picked a few off, but if they let them more than decimate the column it would make their agreement null and void and the Russians do not want that to happen. In war you want to be able to negotiate truces and other agreements. So this agreement can't be broken. The Russians with a straight face can tell ISIS that they did not break the agreement, but that they adhered to it and fixed it.

If I were the Russians, I would have made the same agreement. It is much harder to hide from drones and planes creeping along a wadi than it is a mountain range (Infrared aside). It is going to some much easier to pick off the fleeing dogs & pigs now.

Unknown said...

Bleeding heart liberals - This is a true phrase

Back when Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi was touring the U.S., the feminazis paid a little lip service to the plight of women in Afghanistan. This was from 1999 to 2001.

Yes, after years a persecution of women in Afghanistan, the feministas and other Leftists were "a day late and a dollar short".

The Left is fine with women being treated like crap in Afghanistan, because they were never for the 'good war' in Afghanistan. After the "War in Iraq" (the bad war) ended, we never heard about Afghanistan being the 'good war'. Point being the Left never had any intention of wining the good war, did not have a plan, and do not give ____ about women in Afghanistan.

So to bring this full circle I think plowman is right. the bleeding hearts had not intention of doing anything effective against ISIS in Syria either.

Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi

Well, the Left might be for putting out a few reports.

fred said...

sorry but hyour leftist routine is stale by now
It was a left president who led us to victory in WWI; and so too in WWII

fred said...

We did not have hurricane Irma till a GOP guy became president

Unknown said...

Woodrow Wilson did not lead us to victory. The British blockade did.

Woodrow Wilson was an out and out racist.

Woodrow Wilson recreated the KKK, is that why you like him?
- Woodrow Wilson segregated the government. How far back did that set back race relations?
- Woodrow Wilson screened "Birth of a Nation" in the Whitehouse.

"President Woodrow Wilson attended a special screening at the White House of THE BIRTH OF A NATION, a film directed by D.W. Griffith and based on THE CLANSMAN, a novel written by Wilson's good friend Thomas Dixon. The film presented a distorted portrait of the South after the Civil War, glorifying the Ku Klux Klan"

Mr. Lapides do you glorify the KKK?

The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson - The Atlantic

"As president, Wilson oversaw unprecedented segregation in federal offices"

“segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.” - Wilson, Democrat in good standing

Wilson embraced the book "Philip Dru: Administrator", which was about a dictator.

By choosing Operation Torch, Roosevelt increased the length of WW2 by a year. Some general he was.

But Roosevelt was good for making bad things longer. He lengthened the Depression. So for a Democrat all in a day's work.

Unknown said...

"We did not have hurricane Irma till a GOP guy became president" - Mr Lapides

Wow, just wow!

Your college degree is in what? Phrenology?

There have been hurricanes since the earth has had water. Do you think that there was a hurricane drought because Obama was such a good guy?

If only we could get Hank Johnson to say such a line!

fred said...

tiresome...I know all about Wilson, who was from the South, and his racist wife etc...old very old stuff AS
Who was our leader in WWI? Wilson and not the British ...and that is what I refer to. He was a Democrat! and the KKK? No. He was not the founder of that group and you should know that without recourse to your usual google stuff.I twit about the hurricane but bookepper guy is so literal he swallows my silly statement. You could take up phrenolgy and give head

Unknown said...

You are tiresome? I agree.

Sometimes we succeed in spite of someone say a leader not because of them.

That is why I can say WW2 was "The Great Patriotic War" for the Russians and still hate their leader Stalin and the comm8unist party.

You could say there were 3 main causes for German defeat
- The Blockade (that was British)
- War Weariness with Bolshevik agitation
- Attrition.

With or without the American, the British and French would have won.

The Germans had superior shock troops. Although they did seem to have used meth or

The British were much better at sniping, tank warfare and artillery.


Americans entered World War I in April 1917. They came in at the last 32 % of the war. It was 2/3 rds over. They only had large number of troops for the last 20% of the war. there were 5 fronts (Mesopotamia, Palestine, Italy, Russia and France) in the war and they were only present on 1 of those.

When someone like Alvin York, a stand up guy & a paragon of virtue can capture a 100 Germans troops, it means that they were freaking tired of 4 years of war. I have no doubt that he was great with a rifle and a better shooter. I have no doubt that he was self motivated. But someone could have got a drop on him. They wanted to surrender.


The tactics used by Mr. Creel and other initiatives used by Woodrow Wilson shows what a bad character he was outside of any issues of race. He is your typical Democrat 'lite.

You do know about Creel don'cha? If you don't, you have my permission to look up his illustrious career.

The KKK was started by Nathaniel Forrest. Woodrow Wilson's patronage /encouragement gave its it second wind.

For the KKK being resuscitated, you can thank Democrats all over again.

The KKK was the militant arm of the Democrat party 2 times over, during reconstruction during the 1920s/1930s.


"I twit about the hurricane but bookepper guy is so literal he swallows my sillystatement. "

The word twit is very apropos.

The Atlantic magazine is politicizing hurricane Irma.

Actress Jennifer Lawrence politicized the hurricane.

Mayor "Dead Fish" Emmanuel says never let a crisis go to waste.

So given all the Lefty posturing, proselytizing & political prostituting during the storm, your comment is within the norms of Democrat Party conduct.