Friday, September 15, 2017

Should The U.S. See China As Its ‘Number One’ Adversary?

The People's Republic of China flag and the U.S. Stars and Stripes fly along Pennsylvania Avenue near the U.S. Capitol in Washington during Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit, January 18, 2011. Credit: Reuters/Hyungwon Kang

John Grady, USNI News: Expert: U.S. Should See China as ‘Number One’ Adversary, Not Trading Partner

The People’s Republic China needs to be seen by the United States as its principal potential adversary in the years ahead, not as a commercial partner that America cannot live without, a leading expert on maritime issues said Wednesday.

Answering an audience question at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. Seth Cropsey, director of seapower programs at the Hudson institute, said, “China should be our Number One concern; it’s not.” He added that Chinese leaders want to restore it to the status of a great state, overcoming a 19th and early 20th-century history of European imperialism, “not only at sea, but especially at sea. They’ve invested a lot in satellite technology, in cyber technology, building a fleet” that potentially could be larger than the United States’ in the not-too-distant future.

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WNU Editor: I find these debates in the U.S. amusing for the simple reason that I know that the Chinese view the U.S. as their "number one" adversary .... especially in Asia and in international economics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

China is like a greedy brother, no matter how much money they've made of us already, they'll keep asking for more and more. Never acknowledging how much their violations of copyright and patent laws has cost us. How much we've lost because they were allowed to make copies of our products for 3 decades. Even goes on today, but now they also make really good products themselves. Doesn't mean they didn't steal trillions from us, while denying us access to their own markets or only under severe penalties. They call it being smart, we call it theft, but don't do anything about it. Now it's too late. They got away with it and feel emboldened by it and upgraded their militaries with essentially our money. Of course they feel emboldened. And rightfully so. They're like the common thief walking into an English gentleman's club, have drinks for free without paying a membership fee and then laugh in our faces when we are upset about it. They are thieves in business suites and we cannot enforce the law because they hide behind Chinese walls. We either finally call them out on it and stop thuggish thievery or we'll be condemned to second class citizens in this world, with Chinese citizens being not equal in the eyes of the law, but superior. Can you imagine what kind of money -we- could make if we could just plunder the world with no consequences? It's ridiculous. And then on top, the final act of betrayal, is that they so long protect north Korea. So not only do they steal for us and insult us but now they are OK with us being threatened with nuclear war. Think about it. Russians would never do that. We might have had the cold war with Russia, but there was always mutual respect. We respected the Russians and they did respect us. The Chinese don't respect us anymore. We created a monster and it's starting to cost us dearly.