Friday, September 15, 2017

Turkey, Russia, And Iran Have Agreed On New 'Safe Zones' In Syria

BBC: Syria war: Turkey, Russia, Iran agree Idlib 'ceasefire' zone

Powers backing rival sides in the Syrian war have agreed on the latest in a series of so-called "de-escalation zones", aimed at calming fighting.

Turkey, which opposes the Syrian government, and Syria's allies Russia and Iran reached a deal in talks in the Kazakh capital, Astana.

The plan will apply to Idlib - where jihadists hold sway - and parts of Latakia, Aleppo and Hama provinces.

The establishment of "safe" zones has led to a marked drop in fighting.

Syria's conflict has left more than 330,000 people dead and displaced millions more since it broke out in 2011.

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More News On Turkey, Russia, And Iran Have Agreeing To New 'Safe Zones' In Syria

Turkey, Iran and Russia to Deploy Observers in 'Safe Zones' Around Syria's Idlib: Turkish Ministry -- US News and World Report/Reuters
Syria: Turkey, Russia, Iran Agree to Safe Zone Deal -- VOA
Final de-escalation zones agreed on in Astana -- Al Jazeera
Russia, Turkey, Iran Agree On Borders Of Syrian 'De-Escalation Zones' -- RFE
Troops From Russia, Iran and Turkey to Monitor Syria Safe Zone -- Bloomberg
Russia, Iran & Turkey agree on final de-escalation zone in Idlib, Syria -- RT

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