Friday, September 15, 2017

Will China Help The U.S. Against North Korea?

Good comrade or bad hombre? (Reuters/Carlos Barria)

DW: Why China won't help US against North Korea

Even after multiple rounds of sanctions, Pyongyang is continuing to provoke the international community with weapons testing. China and the US face bad options, and each other, in creating a united front.

After North Korea detonated what is suspected to be a hydrogen bomb on September 3, the US spearheaded the toughest sanctions levied to date against Pyongyang by the UN Security Council. But after the second round of "historic" sanctions within a month, the detrimental effect of partially cutting off fossil fuel supplies, freezing individual assets and preventing textile trade are seen by many observers as being just another incremental response to a belligerent regime clearly determined at all costs to continue developing nuclear weapons.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is one of the main reasons why China is helping the U.S. .... China is getting tougher on North Korea—to stop the US from getting tougher on it (Quartz).


Anonymous said...

China has done as close to nothing to restrain DPRK over the last 25 years as is possible. If they do come to Jesus, what's changed?

Perhaps President Trump has sketched a future for the Chinese that is dark. Trump is the first President to call out the Chinese as enablers and bad actors with DPRK. The US has trade, weapons and Taiwan as levers over the Chinese and of course the elephant in the rooms, China's vast trade surplus. Then again why is it ok for DPRK to get away with having nukes but not Taiwan, South Korea or Japan? Maybe Trump has asked Xi that same question.

Unknown said...

"China is getting tougher on North Korea—to stop the US from getting tougher on it" - Quartz

So getting tough works or can work.

Except for the last 25 years we had too many soft people.

We had a few tough people in the last 25 years or so.

Madeleine Albright was tough. She can leg press 400 pounds don'cha know! what world leader wants to deal with those gams? (Shudder!)

To top it off, if you misbehave despite her awesome musculature, she will bring a basketball signed by Michael Jordan. Most people have to pay top dollar for sport memorabilia, but Madeleine Albright will hand deliver it.

Jimmy Carter was tough too. He gave away a store worth of gifts.

Obama was tough. He sent Dennis Rodman.

fred said...

TRUMP’S NORTH KOREA POLICY RESEMBLES OBAMA’S, writes our colleague Jacqueline Klimas: “President Donald Trump has vowed a ‘very severe’ response to North Korea’s escalating development of missiles and nuclear weapons. But behind closed doors, the Trump administration has a much more ‘coherent’ strategy that's not all that different from the Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

We must realise that China is not our matter how much they smile or talk nicely. Please only judge them by their actions - namely:
1. Human rights violations
2. Abductions and torture of people who speak out against them. Just ask the book dealers in Hong Kong
3. Countless WHO violations: Chinese get rich on our backs, steal our trade secrets, copy our inventions etc. That went on for 30 years.
4. Bullying in the south China Sea and threatening countries that Protest (like Vietnam) with war
5. Harassing of fishing fleets of neighbouring countries through governmental backed vessels.
6. Destruction of environment, including coral in the sea, and of course massive air pollution
7. Killing of the fish in Vietnam through iron ore disaster and then threatening everyone to talk about it, paying off politicians
8. Selling of plastic rice and fake baby powder with no nutrition in it and babies died because of it
9.selling of mobile launch platforms to north Korea
10. Trading with north Korea despite sanctions, financially keeping Kim Jong un regime alive
11. Political and military protection of North Korea despite they threaten to kill us

Is anyone really that stupid to think China is on our side, shares our values?

Please wake up before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Oh and when the Chinese asked us for that 100 day favour and promised to do something, they didn't. Instead in those very 100 days, North Korea made more progress than in the 2 years prior.

Common guys. Know your enemy.