Thursday, October 5, 2017

16 Unanswered Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting

Zero Hedge: 16 Unanswered Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting That Mainstream Media Doesn't Want To Talk About

The public is not being told the truth about what really went down in Las Vegas.

As you will see below, the evidence is mounting that there were multiple shooters and that this was an operation that was planned well in advance. But according to the mainstream media, a 64-year-old retired accountant with a flabby physique that had no military training whatsoever and that wasn’t very experienced with guns was able to pull the whole thing off all by himself. We are being told that Paddock was a “lone wolf” that didn’t have any ties to terror groups, and since he is now dead nobody is ever going to be able to interrogate him.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Some of these questions have already been answered, and I suspect that the rest will be answered in the days/weeks to come.


manstien said...

Assult rifle bullets can pass through many people before stopping. ie crowds. Firing an assult rifle from a comfortable position is effortless. Assult rifles can be broken down into unfamilar wieghts and shapes. Weapons such as theses are designed for the common man and require little training. Any man 14 to 65 can do this if they are of average intelligence. That is the scariest part.

Anonymous said...

Oh common, WNU. Zero hedge is such a fake news, fake market recommendations, and conspiracy channel.. you really shouldn't elevate them to get attention of your readers, don't you think? I mean you provide opinionated news and they are really good, but that is full of get-rich schemes and doesn't even tell you who's behind it. Operating under fictional characters and violating copyrights and personal rights of the actors they're taking the photos of. Need I say more?

SCOTTYD said...

If "real news" sites aren't talking about, who's story would you have him share? There are very real questions here. These videos people are sharing are real. One video I watched, you can clearly hear 2 different shooters, in two different locations. Either someone needs to prove these videos fake, or start answering questions. There are multiple videos showing flashes coming from a different floor. Even a video CNN shared. Idk if they took the video or not. If they did how did they get there in the minutes this mad man was shooting? Also, where is the hotel surveillance video. I want to see it all. From every floor, and every hallway. From the day he rented the room to the day after the shooting. We should be able to see him carrying all those weapons up alone right? Should be able to see if any other strange stuff happened on the 12 floor as well. Every hotel I've ever been to, has been riddled with cameras. I want the footage.

fred said...

all, everything is one vast conspiracy and we are not being told the truth...All the media lies;the FBI is lying, tv is lying....evidence is mounting. Only one problem: WHAT EVIDENCE IS MOUNTING?
Why would so many conspire? We live in a time when simple facts no longer suffice. This gunman had in common one thing with other white mass killers: he abused women

SCOTTYD said...

What do you mean what evidence? Go watch the videos. Make a judgment call for yourself. Look at the leaked pictures of paddocks body. The way a rifle is laying under him, and another over his leg doesn't make sense. There is no blood splatter on the wall, just the floor by his head. In the wrong direction I might add. So he laid down on a gun, laid another over his leg, then blew his brains out? When you look at the picture of his face, look at his neck. Where's the 13 tattoo? Also, ask your self how shells ended up on top of his blood puddle. I mean, I don't think he just laid them there after he shot himself. But someone did. Otherwise, they would be covered in blood. There is a lot that simply doesn't add up with story. I simply want answers. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I'm smelling something rotten with this story.

Anonymous said...

Gosh Fred for a second there I thought you were talking about Russiagate...

fred said...

how many times have i seen fake films, photos, etc more than I care to count. why would someone, including the MSM, FBI, etc etc fake this shooter. In one statement he is said (aboive post) to be flabby and not experienced with guns...FACT:he has been buying guns for over 20 years...flabby? a gun takes care of flabbiness of shooter.
and not, Anon, not russiagate...that will all come out in due course and
there will be no tin foil hate on what comes out, one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

Strange you want evidence in this case since you believe everything neagative about Trump without the slightest of evidence.

Anonymous said...

what I believe about Trump is what I read of his twitters and his speeches and his actions...what I also wonder about is what will turn up in various investigations..there are, it seems many connections to Russia, the hacking of elections, his "friends" who are clearly connected to Russia, and his unwillingness to say anything bad about Russia...some is clearly known fact; some is not yet verified. I reserve full judgement till the not yet verified is verified or dismissed. I do not, like you, anon, merely give a blank check

fred said...

this is what I meant in an earlier comment about evidence

Dems call for Ivanka Trump's security clearance to be revoked

Two Democratic lawmakers are calling for Ivanka Trump's security clearance to be revoked in light of a series of recent reports they say show "credibility issues."

"Recent press investigations highlight severe credibility issues with Ivanka Trump, a White House official, close advisor, and daughter to the President," Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Don Beyer (D-Va.) wrote in a letter to White House counsel Don McGahn.

The letter cites reports that Trump "used at least two, and possibly three," private email accounts for official White House business.

A Politico report earlier this week found Trump and her husband, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, reportedly sent hundreds of emails from a third private email account while serving in their White House roles. [not Russia thing but what Trump and GOP found very bad in Hillary]

Anonymous said...

Most Trump fans dislike Ivanka and Jared very much, (Becauae they are known democrats) so a good suggestion from democrats for once