Wednesday, October 4, 2017

CIA Is Predicting A North Korean Provocation On Colombus Day

Kim Jong-un, center, before a nuclear test at an undisclosed location, according to the North’s state-run news agency. Credit KCNA

US News and World Report: CIA Official Predicts North Korean Provocation on Columbus Day

The things Kim Jong Un used to fear most about China and the U.S. are no longer a concern, the CIA Korea Mission Center’s Yong Suk Lee says.

A top CIA official for the Korean Peninsula warned Wednesday that the U.S. should be ready for a new provocation by North Korea on Columbus Day on Oct. 9, which coincides with the anniversary of the founding of the political party that governs in Pyongyang.

"Stand by your phones," Yong Suk Lee, deputy assistant director of the CIA's Korea Mission Center, said while speaking at a conference organized by the agency at The George Washington University.

Lee did not speculate what North Korea might do, though it frequently carries out missile launches or nuclear tests on major state anniversaries, such as the birthday of leader Kim Jong Un or other dates associated with the lives of his father or grandfather. Oct. 10 marks the anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea in 1945.

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WNU Editor: The same CIA official who is quoted in the above post also believes that Kim Jong-Un is very rational .... North Korea's Kim 'very rational': CIA (Digital Journal). Is Kim Jong-Un rational? Hmmm .... a person who orders the killing of his uncle and brother does not strike me as someone who is rational .... but that is me.


Unknown said...

" a person who orders the killing of his uncle and brother does not strike me as someone who is rational "

Where did you go to school again?

Oh wait, if you had gone to school in the West you would not have learned that either, my bad.

Roman Empire: Reign of Blood"

If you are in an ancient royal family, killing relatives is very normal.

When you change parameters such as social class (extreme social class), different behaviors become normal.

Roman Emperor Claudius is regarded as an idiot. He had a club foot or something an speech impediment. So we was not regarded as very virile (Latin for manly). He was looked down on and disregarded. One theory is that he played up his shortcoming and pretended to be slow or slower than he was, so that he would not be targeted for assassination in the no hold barred family.

When Caligula was assassinated, he was the last man standing.

P.S. Wiki says nothing about a club foot or a speech impediment. I do believe I read it somewhere. Still I think Claudius' example still serves.

fazman said...

There is nothing more rational than a dictator removing any perceived threat to his power or authority.