Monday, October 9, 2017

In This War Scenario North Korea Will Win


Robert Farley, National Interest: This Is How North Korea Would Start a War (And How Bad It Could Get)

This is the best case for North Korea, but it is important to recall that most analysts judge North Korea’s military as insufficient to defeat the forces of the RoK. The static defenses along the DMZ, combined with the mobility and sophistication of RoK forces, mean that any offensive into South Korea is likely to bog down into a logistical disaster before it can capture Seoul. At that point, attacks along the depth of the North Korean position, combined with a concerted assault on regime targets and the KPA’s command and control network, will likely isolate advance forces and leave them ripe for destruction.

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WNU Editor: This article first appeared in 2015, and it gives a scenario on how North Korea could win a Korean war.

Hat Tip Fred for this link.

1 comment:

fazman said...

I remember these articles in late 90 how Iraq could win the gulf war.
Big grain of salt required.