Friday, October 6, 2017

Iran Signals That It Is Open To International Talks On Its Ballistic Missile Program

A ballistic missile is launched and tested in an undisclosed location, Iran, March 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mahmood Hosseini/TIMA

Reuters: Iran open to talks over its ballistic missile programme: sources

ANKARA/LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran has suggested to six world powers that it may be open to talks about its ballistic missile arsenal, seeking to reduce tension over the disputed programme, Iranian and Western officials familiar with the overtures told Reuters.

Tehran has repeatedly vowed to continue building up what it calls defensive missile capability in defiance of Western criticism, with Washington saying the Islamic Republic’s stance violates its 2015 nuclear deal with the powers.

But the sources said that given U.S. President Donald Trump’s threats to ditch the deal reached under his predecessor Barack Obama, Tehran had approached the powers recently about possible talks on some “dimensions” of its missile programme.

“During their meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly last month, Iran told members of the (world powers) that it could discuss the missile programme to remove concerns,”

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran open to talks on missile program: report (The Hill)
Update #2: Iran signals willingness to negotiate new deal on missiles (Washington Examiner)

WNU Editor: Iran is not going to budge on why there are concerns on Iran's missile AND nuclear program .... and that is Iran will not permit inspectors to enter Iran's military bases for inspection. As long as Iran sticks to this position .... these talks have nowhere to go.


fazman said...

Trump sure knows how to boil an egg without cracking the shell.
He's got Kim rattled and now Iran is
doing the hot shoe shuffle.

Anonymous said...

You are mistaken. I understand it looks that way, but you assume the other side to be novices at international politics. They are not. They survived years of literally cut throat environments. I don't like either of them, but to stay alive in their countries at their positions requires skilful levels of dealing. The novice here is Trump.
What the Iranians - and the north Koreans - are doing is buying time. They two are nuclear powers soon as long as they can avoid war with the uS for 1, max two more years it will become unaffordable for the US.means these regimes will be safe for decades to come.

It's all about time and Trump needs some successes fast. They'll give him something to show to us but in reality they'll march on

fred said...

North Korea options:
1. attack their sites
2. continue to try diplomacy
3. accept the fact that they will have nukes

We can not do much with more and more sanctions since the past few weeks has made it clear that:
1. Russia is helping them
2. China is helping them
3. they deal with various venues and nations to circumvent our sanctions

It seems, then, that Russia and China feel that it is in their interests to allow N. Korea to do as they do.