Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Iran Threatens 'Crushing' Response If The U.S. Labels The Revolutionary Guards A Terrorist Organisation And De-Certifies The Nuclear Deal

FOX News: Iran threatens 'crushing' response as Trump takes aim at nuclear deal

Tehran is firing rhetorical warning shots at the United States as President Trump prepares to announce what is expected to be a tougher policy toward Iran, including possibly declining to 're-certify' the 2015 nuclear deal and designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

In the runup to the decision, Iranian officials have threatened consequences if Trump targets the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC.

“I hope that the U.S. ruling body would not make the strategic mistake ... but if it does so, then Iran’s response will be firm, decisive, and crushing and the U.S. should accept its consequences,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi was quoted saying Monday by the Tasnim News Agency.

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More News On Iran Threatening A 'Crushing' Response If The U.S. Labels The Revolutionary Guards A Terrorist Organisation And De-Certifies The Nuclear Deal

Iran: "Much more" at stake for rest of world with nuke deal -- CBS News
Iran has 'all options on table' if US blacklists Revolutionary Guards -- Reuters
Iran Warns US Over Potential Terror Designation of Its Guards -- Voice of America
Trump's targeting of Revolutionary Guards is a step too far for Iran -- The Guardian
Iranian General: Law Designating Revolutionary Guards as Terror Group Violates Nuke Deal -- The Tower
Iran hardliners, pragmatists show unity in response to Trump -- Reuters
Iranian armed forces spokesperson: 'It's time to teach Americans new lessons' -- Fox News
Trump Needs to Be Taught 'New Lessons,' Iran's Military Says -- Newsweek


Unknown said...

What are they going to do? Send there fake stealth plane to bomb us? Or possibly send there glorified civilian speed boats to harrass our ships until we blow fhen out of the water?

Bloggermonser said...

IRGC doesn't quite have that ISIS ring to it. But anyway this response is not a shock st all coming from Iran. They've seen decades of conflicts within the middle east where the U.S. only has to say they're terrorists and no one stands in their way when they just roll in and supplant your government and terrorize your own citizens. Honestly what other answer does Iran have to give?

fazman said...

Put kebabs up to $12.50, now what will you eat at 3am?

Bob Huntley said...

Nick think of Israel.

Of course the US will use this response as a real threat thus justifying massive bombing runs followed by an invasion.

B.Poster said...

"Honestly what answer does Iran have to give?" For starters, they could drop their "death to America" goal. Then they could move the Iran/America conflict to a UN tribunal where the issues could be solved once and for all.

For this to work, the adjudication will have to be fair and impartial. At present, such a tribunal would simply rubber stamp whatever and anything Iran wanted and even if did somehow rule in America's favor in some fashion there is no mechanism in place for America to actually collect from Iran.

Without any means to ensure a fair and impartial adjudication and no mechanisms in place for America to actually collect on any judgment there is no point in doing this right now. Iran has some of the world's most powerful countries backing them. They are in no danger. As such, if they wish to resolve the conflict with America, they can do so easily.

Unfortunately for America Iran is unlikely to give up "death to America" in the foreseeable future. Anti-Americanism for them is simply way to profitable. In general, anti-Americanism is the most profitable and least costly endeavor on earth right now.

Bloggermonser said...

That is the same as saying that the Americans should tame their own rhetoric and stow their own egos. I don't have any delusions that Iran will settle for a tribunal. This IS the only response that they have that either parties senses of pride remains intact. Neither wants to be the one to sound weak... as lame as that is it's just fact. The UN tribunals are only useful as negotiation platforms when one party is legitimately afraid of what the US will do otherwise. Iran has no room politically to allow the US to label the IRGC a terror group, nor do they have any room too suffer them in a tribunal. They're all just too damn stubborn and they are both too blame.

Unknown said...

Some good comments here today. Just remember as the non state actors like ISIS are eliminated the states that supported them will start to act out. This is no surprise. Lots of looneys representing countries in the world that don't have the guts to stand up and do anything remotely honorable.