Tuesday, October 10, 2017

President Trump To Announce His Iran Strategy This Week

Reuters: Trump to announce broad Iran strategy this week: White House

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will make an announcement this week on an “overall Iran strategy,” including whether to decertify the international deal curbing Tehran’s nuclear program, the White House said on Tuesday.

“He’ll make that later this week,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters when asked about the certification decision and the administration’s broader strategy on Iran.

Trump, who has called the 2015 pact agreed between Iran and six world powers an “embarrassment,” is expected to announce that he will decertify the deal ahead of an Oct. 15 deadline, a senior administration official said last week.

Trump is also expected to designate Iran’s most powerful security force, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp, as a terrorist organization as part of a new Iran strategy.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Supporters of the Iranian deal are speaking out ....

Trump and Israel vs. the World: Which Countries Support Preserving Iran Nuclear Deal? -- Haaretz
Sen. Coons Voices Concern With Trump's Threat To Decertify Iran Nuclear Deal -- CBS
May directly pressures Trump not to tear up Iran nuclear deal -- Daily Mail
Theresa May calls on Trump to keep Iran nuclear deal -- BBC News
Russia warns of ‘negative consequences’ if US pulls out of Iran nuclear deal -- Scroll
China Hopes Iran Deal Will Stay Intact -- Financial Tribune


Bob Huntley said...

I didn't follow the Iran Nuclear Deal that closely but it seemed to me at the time that the US was distant participant.

fazman said...

If you call having Iranian military bases off limits for nuclear inspections (you heard right lol) it's a,great deal.

B.Poster said...

Besides all of this the IAEA will simply rubber stamp whatever Iran wants. This is sort of like a trial where the judge, the prosecutor, and the attorney who is representing you are all best buddies. Furthermore they've all made sure to stack the jury against you. While such does happen, it is laughable to expect any form of justice from such kangaroo courts.

Essentially the entire deal was gang rape of America and its interests. Naturally a POTUS committed to representing America, its people, and its interests would want out of such a deal and would seek to renegotiate it.

As I have pointed out elsewhere, Iran has the world's most powerful countries behind it. Iran has nothing to fear. They can easily renegotiate the deal. As I have stated elsewhere, America and Americans need to feel safe and secure. This is where the focus needs to be. Then we can get somewhere productive. The major world powers need to ask themselves some important questions. How do we satisfy the legitimate need of Americans to feel safe and secure?