Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman Believes Assad Is Winning The Syrian War. Urges More U.S. Involvement

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. Photo: Jonathan Klinger via Wikimedia Commons.

Times of Israel/AFP: Israel’s defense minister says Syria’s Assad has won the civil war

'Assad has emerged victorious in the battle,' says Avigdor Liberman. Now there is a 'long line of countries applauding and wooing' him.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Tuesday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been “victorious” in Syria’s civil war and was now being courted by former enemies.

“Assad has emerged victorious in the battle,” Lieberman told Hebrew media news website Walla!.

“Suddenly, everyone wants to get closer to Assad,” he said.

“I see that there is now a long line of countries applauding and wooing Assad, including Western (and) moderate Sunni Muslim (states).”

Assad’s fortunes have changed dramatically since Russia launched a military intervention to shore up his forces in 2015 and he now appears well on top after a series of key victories.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is not going to step-up in Syria .... there is no political will in Washington to do that .... nor in the U.S. public. But for Israel .... that is a problem .... it means that they are alone, and they are going to have to make some hard decisions in the coming months/years. And what are those decisions .... the Syrian war is going to end soon, and Iran/Hezbollah/and their Syrian allies are going to be at the border of Israel. What happens then is probably not going to be pleasant.

More News On Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman Believing That Assad Is Winning The Syrian War

Israel sees Assad winning Syria war, urges more U.S. involvement -- Reuters
Israeli Defense Minister Calls for More Active American Role in Turbulent Middle East -- Algemeiner
'Faced with Russians & Iranians 24/7': Israel calls for US to be more active in Syria -- RT


Bob Huntley said...

The elected representative of the country is winning the war so let's step up actions to defeat him.

Unknown said...

Assad is winning.

Assad was elected in a crooked election, but that doe snot stop Bob. If the majority Sunni country was happy with the election then why did so many Sunnis protest?

Pelosi went to Syria and was all lovey-dovey with Assad in2007. The Democrats did not put the protesters up to protesting Assad. they came in 2011/2012. Obama was in power during this time. There was legitimate Sunni anger at Assad. It was stoked by the Arab spring. that wasn't due to Obama.

Jac said...

Yes the situation will become high on stake, but I am confident on Israel to deal with it. Also, if America is not really interested on Syria it will strongly stand with Israel.

Bob Huntley said...

Aizino regarding election, Syria and the USA have what in common?

Got your answer yet about he Seal that killed the 8 year old girl? Is he really your hero?

Bert Bert said...

The US began work to topple Assad in 2002. It most definetly was the US stoking the flames there. It was part of the pentagons 7 countries in 5 years plan. The timeline of which has been stretched out from complications. A geopolitical gambit that may have started the death spiral of the empire.

fred said...

ek choda

If you think Israel likes, cares for, ISIS than you are very ill informed