Thursday, October 5, 2017

Pakistan's Spy Agencies Are In A Tug-Of War Campaign

F.M. Shakil, Asia Times: The growing ‘tug-of-war’ between Pakistan’s spy agencies

Conflict between the civilian Intelligence Bureau (IB), and the military's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is at boiling point, with the former accused of overstepping constitutional bounds.

Pakistan has long been beset by tensions between its civil and military authorities. Now even its spy agencies seem to be at loggerheads, with accusations of political maneuvering and the overstepping of constitutional bounds being leveled at the government’s Intelligence Bureau (IB).

The civilian watchdog – under instruction from a ruling Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) administration whose grip on power looks ever-more shaky – has been carrying out round-the-clock surveillance of the judiciary, opposition parties and military intelligence for some time.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It appears that for Pakistan's intel community this inter-agency battle is more important than this .... General Dunford: Pakistan Intelligence Has Links To Terrorist Groups (October 4, 2017).


RussInSoCal said...

As a kid who stole a read of the forbidden Mad Magazine whenever possible, I dearly loved the Spy Vs. Spy comics.

Unknown said...

Which one is WNU?

War News Updates Editor said...

The guy in black of course :)