Thursday, October 26, 2017

President Trump's Job Approval Has Hit A New Low

FOX News: Fox News Poll: Storms erode Trump's ratings

Was it the tweet storms or the hurricanes? Something hit President Trump’s numbers. His personal ratings have deteriorated and his job approval has hit a low.

Thirty-eight percent of voters approve of the job Trump is doing in a new Fox News poll, down from 42 percent last month. At the same time, disapproval is up 4 points to a high of 57 percent. That includes 49 percent who “strongly” disapprove.

Some of the drop comes from white men without a college degree, as 56 percent approve of the president, down from 68 percent last month. Working-class white men were a key voting bloc for him in the election (71 percent backed Trump according to the Fox News Exit Poll).

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WNU Editor: The only important number in this poll is that the Republican base is still solid behind President Trump. In an election cycle these numbers always change .... after-all .... when the Democrat convention ended last year President Trump's poll numbers as candidate for President were even worse than what they are today (with the exception of the Republican base who still support him just as strongly now as then). What will defeat President Trump is if the base deserts him, the Democrats have a likeable and charismatic candidate for President with policies that resonates with voters (which I do not see right now), and if the economy slows down. But President Trump's base is still solid behind him, and the last time I looked the economy is roaring with real incomes now rising for the first time in 2 decades. As for a Democrat candidate and policies that voters will identify with .... nothing there so far. As for Congress .... Republicans are in trouble .... the Republican base are furious at them .... Fox News poll: Dems lead by 15 points on generic ballot (The Hill).


fred said...

Thr Trump support is mainly from the enlisted ranks. The officers are much less supportive, according to the stats I had seen. That difference is reflected among civilians: educated less supportive

SCOTTYD said...

Educated, buried in debt, and living off hand outs = less supportive. No schooling, but working with no handouts = more supportive. Yeah, I'd say your right. The only reason that pole story separated officers from enlisted was to show Trump in the worst light possible. Group the two together, count their approvals, and it would paint an entirely different picture of military support for trump. Keep on sipping the kool aid.

Unknown said...

Fact Of The Day #44: U.S. Military Better Educated Than Populace It Protects (INFOGRAPHIC)

- Educated does not mean wise.

- College education is a cesspool nowadays.

- The collar counties of a government administrative center such as those around DC are rich and they are educated. Does it mean that they are smart? I mean we all know that government is run so well and the government is made up of these people in the collar counties.

I bet Fred believes in global warming (AGW).