Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Because communism is an idea/ideology. lol
Nuremberg was not just about an idea/ideology, but about bringing justice to Nazis. You would have to bring some still living communists, who actually oversaw the killing/personally killed some people. Then, only then would it be comparable to the Nuremberg trials (the point of these trials was also to show the video recordings -- a first, if you consider when this all took place -- and, equally important, to show the faces, the people behind Nazis, and how much they squirmed on the bench lol
So, .. nice idea, but you really need to bring the key players to a "nuremberg" of Communism, to have a comparative effect. Just talking about communism, and its players back then won't cut it.

Unknown said...

"Nuremberg was not just about an idea/ideology, but about bringing justice to Nazis. "

Justice could have been brought to Erich Honecker, Nicolae Ceaușescu and other in a large trial.

They got of easy.

"During his 70-minute-long statement to the court on 3 December 1992, Honecker admitted political responsibility for the building of the Berlin Wall and subsequent deaths at the borders, but claimed he was "without juridical, legal or moral guilt"."

I know people that escaped from that cesspit known as communism.

Unknown said...

In major win for Merkel ,the German popular folk fair, the “Fellbacher Herbs", was shut down.

Got integration?
"they were all “exclusively German citizens of migrant-origin or"