Saturday, October 14, 2017

U.S.-Backed Forces Have Agreed To Let Islamic State Fighters Leave Raqqa (Update)

Reuters: U.S.-backed SDF to let Syrian Islamic State fighters leave Raqqa

AIN ISSA, Syria/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian Islamic State fighters are set to abandon Raqqa in a withdrawal agreed with U.S.-backed Syrian militias that have them surrounded, a militia spokesman said on Saturday, as the jihadists’ defeat in their former Syrian capital edged closer.

Officials gave conflicting accounts on whether foreign fighters would also be leaving the city, where the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been battling to defeat Islamic State since June.

SDF spokesman Talal Silo said the foreign fighters would be left behind “to surrender or die”, without saying when the evacuation of Syrian fighters would take place.

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WNU Editor: It's over.

More News On U.S.-Backed Forces Agreeing To Let Islamic State Fighters Leave Raqqa

Syria: Local militants evacuate as Raqqa battle nears end -- AP
Last remaining Isis fighters to leave Raqqa today as de facto capital falls after three years of jihadi rule -- The Independent
Syria war: Raqqa deal agreed to evacuate civilians -- BBC
Foreign, Syrian IS fighters to evacuate Raqa in deal: local official -- AFP
Evacuation deal for Isil fighters in Syria's Raqqa as city's capture nears -- The Telegraph
Deal reached to evacuate IS-held Raqqa as 100 soldiers surrender -- UPI
'Islamic State' facing imminent collapse in Syria's Raqqa -- DW

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let them leave a built up city where there are loots of hiding place and let them decamp to a less built up area in the south.

Fish in a Barrel.

Also the more Kurds alive the better!