Saturday, October 14, 2017

U.S. Drone Has Been Shot Down In Afghanistan By The Taliban

Photo is from Twitter

Mirror: US drone shot down in Afghanistan to delight of Taliban and ISIS forces

Taliban forces are claiming they downed the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in Kunduz - and also that they blew up an armoured personal carrier killing two and injuring three more

A US drone has been shot down in Afghanistan - to the apparent delight of Taliban and ISIS forces.

Taliban forces are claiming they downed the US unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) - and also that they blew up an armoured personal carrier in the Shinwaro area of Bati Kot, Nangarhar, killing two and injuring three more.

The US military aircraft - which has been used to launch a series of attacks deemed too "dull, dirty or dangerous" for soldiers - is usually piloted from a US air base in the Nevada desert.

Read more ....

Update: US Reaper Drone Shot Down Over Afghanistan (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: U.S. drones have recently been very active in this part of Afghanistan .... US drone strike 'kills 14 Isis militants in Afghanistan' (The Guardian). This is also the second U.S. drone shot down in October, the first one being in Yemen .... US MQ-9 Reaper Drone Shot Down in Yemen: CentCom (Defense Tech).


Anonymous said...

The images show an aircraft that supposedly was shot down,
yet thera are no signs of impact, either by being hit or itself hitting the ground (as in most shot-down sceneries the aircraft looses control & lift, thus hitting hard on the ground),
What i think it happened was probably a failure of some sort on the drone (this aircrafts are submited to extensive workloads and don't get the same type of care as the manned aircrafts) and the pilot still struck a soft-landing

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are same. It decided to land as best it could. Question is, did it come to that conclusion by itself, by us, or by someone else?

Anonymous said...

It could be, that the aircraft control link was intercepted and mimiced, or simply jammed, but after the iranian incidents one would think that the air force must have revised their routines for signal break. Other posibility is that it was hit by a small arms on its engine and glided for a soft-landing