Friday, November 10, 2017

Former U.S. Air Force Commander: U.S. Could Lose In A War Against North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reacts during a rocket test launch in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on June 23, 2016. REUTERS/KCNA/File Photo

The Independent: America could lose a war against North Korea, former US air force commander says in leaked letter

US troops 'are vastly outnumbered by North Korean forces', says Jan-Marc Jouas

The US military would find itself outnumbered and under-supplied if war broke out with North Korea, a former top commander in the region has reportedly claimed.

American troops “are vastly outnumbered by North Korean forces, as well as [allied] forces that will conduct the overwhelming majority of the fighting”, according to retired Lt Gen Jan-Marc Jouas.

They would also face problems in getting reinforcements or new supplies, he claimed, saying fresh troops “may well find their bases subject to attack by conventional or chemical weapons, which will further delay their entry into the war”.

Read more ....

Update: U.S. Could Lose in a War Against North Korea's Massive Army, Former Pentagon Commander Warns (Newsweek).

WNU Editor: A sobering assessment.


Anonymous said...

Of course the US could lose.

Losing a war depends on a) definition (what is winning/losing) and b) willingness to execute upon a strategy that guarantees winning outcome - and for a prolonged time (not a strength of democracies), c) capabilities and resources

the US is terrible at a and b, and only excels at c

fazman said...

Agree, ridiculous assessment another ex looking for his 15 minutes.

Unknown said...

What Anon said.

Unknown said...

What Fusion said.

Plus the Norks would be fighting U.S. and South Korean Forces. That is not so lopsided manpower-wise.

It depends on how well combined arm works.

Japan could send men over quickly.

Bob Huntley said...

The US is so experienced at losing wars it is almost a foregone conclusion.

fazman said...

They exel at winning wars but losing the peace

SCOTTYD said...

How many nukes to erase north Korea again? My biggest fear of war with north Korea, would be outside intervention. Most likely leading to world war 3, and death to about 75% of the world's population. Life for the survivors would be pretty bad I'd imagine. Unless you have a bunker that can self sustain for years and years. This guy got paid by someone who wanted to yet again make Trump look bad, and waiver people's opinions of his actions. Trump getting buddy buddy with China is a sigh of relief in my opinion. We need them on our side against north Korea. Otherwise world war 3 becomes a very real possibility if war with the US and NK breaks out. Again, who is this guy kidding? NK < 4k nukes Lolololol

Unknown said...

"The US is so experienced at losing wars it is almost a foregone conclusion. "
- Bob Huntley

Looking forward to it with glee?!

Unknown said...


North Korea would not be the only trigger point.

Bob Huntley said...

Fazman. They didn't win any wars, they won school yard bullying exercises against far less capable opponents, and then they lost not the peace but the occupation.

fazman said...

Peace, occupation the term is relative. The u.s loses when it lacks political and public support for casualties, 2 million dead and the enemy doesn't blink- 60000 dead and the war is lost at the ballot box.
Guerilla warfare is a nightmare from Fallujah to grozney, but decimating c&c, defenses , armour, and controlling airspace is what they do best, and by that yard stick every nation is inferior.

Anonymous said...

Scott, not sure who made the 4 nukes comment. Probably 4 missiles meant. With MIRVs I could imagine it.

Anonymous said...

The days of million troops charges are over... The us controls the sky's , now with precision bombing and moabs and 2000 lbs jdams... Any large north korean troop formations should be slaughtered in mass...

fazman said...

Highway of death ?

Unknown said...


Yes, ICBM could be MIRV'd. The sooner the NORKS got it, the more likely I think some one gives or sells them the tech.

On the other hand interceptors can also be MIRV'd. I did not know this until yesterday, but it makes sense.

Or we could listen to Jay saying we're doomed and we deserve it, because our society is an asshole and I, Jay, read The Guardian like monks read the Bible.