Thursday, November 2, 2017

Growing Concerns That President Trump Will "Mis-Behave' In Asia

WNU Editor: This is how the AP is reporting this story ....

.... When in Asia, make sure handshakes aren’t too long — or short. Don’t bobble names or titles. Stifle the critical tweets. Don’t question the food.

When I was in China as a very low level diplomat in the 1980s I gave strong (and long) handshakes. I even gave hugs. I drank too much .... going blind once because I drank too much Baijiu (Chinese white lightning) .... Google it, you will know what I mean. Always screwed up the names. Mortified my hosts when I told my hosts in Fujian province that I do not like sea-food .... in front of a huge display of the best sea food from the province. Always asked embarrassing questions. And I am not going to even talk about golf. And what has been the result. It has been 32 years when I first arrived in China .... and the people I knew then (and who are alive) are the same people that I know today, and that includes their families.

President Trump will do just find. My advice to him (as if he needs advice) is to not change, the Chinese and President Xi will like it that way. As to what do I expect President Trump will remember when the trip is over (aside from the talks and negotiations) .... it will be how Japan and South Korea treated him with respect and honor.  But the ones who are really going to give a show will be the Chinese.

The AP story is here .... Protocol in Asia? Trump to use ‘whatever language he wants’ (Laurie Kellman, Washington Post/ AP)


D.Plowman said...

(as if he needs advice)

Someone like Trump, inexperience in such matters concerning political protocol and so on, could use all the advice he needs.

Thing is... Trump doesn't listen well.

Unknown said...

"This is how the AP is reporting this story ...." - Editor

WNU, as much as I like your individual story, Trump is the top man and you were 2nd or 3rd level. I intend no disrespect in pointing that out. I just think it could make a difference.

As much as I dislike Plowman's remark/insight, I am going to leave it as is, because I just don't know. Plowman might be right.

I will point out that the AP is affectionately know as Associated Prostitutes.

That is actual street workers would be considered more honest (& cause less harm) than someone who works at the AP.