Thursday, November 2, 2017

Poll: Half Of U.S. Millennials Would Rather Llive In A Socialist Or Communist Country Than A Capitalist Democracy

Military parade on Red Square in Moscow to celebrate an anniversary of the October Communist Revolution. November 7, 1990. (Image: TASS)

Market Watch: Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill

‘This report clearly reveals a need for educating our youth on the dangerous implications of socialist ideals’

According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, one in two U.S. millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy.

What’s more, 22% of them have a favorable view of Karl Marx and a surprising number see Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un as “heroes.”

Really, that’s what the numbers show.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have mentioned this before .... but my father who grew up in the Soviet Union .... who lived under Stalin, fought in World War Two, was a high communist official, etc. .... when he moved to Canada he observed the following and it was something that he always enjoyed telling me .... there are more Communists in Canada than in the entire Soviet Union. The above poll proves him right .... and in my own experiences I have seen and heard many who have voiced a longing to live in that type of society. As to those who lived under Communism and who have lived under a capitalist democracy .... I have yet to meet anyone who would preferred/prefers the Communist system .... no one wants to go back to that .... this blogger included.


Unknown said...

There is a distance now between what "younger" individuals know about those systems. I think it's a problem of understanding history and education. Just my opinion

Anonymous said...

Weird statistics how many people did they ask?

Alex said...

WNU Thanks for your personal comments on these topics. They are useful. The only thing I can say about it is after living in Budapest for a year for University studies I found that EVERYONE that I met who was alive during the Soviet era despised it. I don't pretend that they speak for every Hungarian (young or old), but after spending 7 years in University between the US, UK, and Hungary, this was the first time that had professors speak so critically about the history of socialism and the USSR specifically.

Two of my favorites were older gentlemen in their mid to late sixties and they were both historians (one was also a diplomat). For a young American it helped me appreciate what was at stake during the cold war, and felt strange returning to the UK to study under some very socialist sympathizing folks.

B.Poster said...


I will read this article time permitting. I have had interactions with a number of people down through the years who emigrated to the US where I live from former Soviet countries and Russia itself. They have all told me pretty much the same things your father told you and the same things you have been posting on your blog.

'This report clearly reveals a need for educating our youth on the dangerous implications of socialist ideals.' Much of America's education does not agree with this. In fact, many of America's educators and the leaders of them believe the exact opposite of this statement. Given this situation, frankly I am beyond shocked that it is only 50% of Millennials who would rather live in a Socialist Communist country rather than a Capitalist Democracy. I would have expected that number to be between 75% to 90%.

As I have said elsewhere and will say again, had the democrats not foisted on the American Hillary Clinton by any and all means necessary in spite of the fact that Americans did not and do not want her Bernie Sanders gets the nomination and easily beats any Republican challenger. Those who do not/did not want Donald Trump to be president have only themselves to blame.

War News Updates Editor said...

B. Poster. I am more shocked that 60% view President Reagan as a personal hero. I guess there is some hope.

Caecus said...

These snowflakes wouldn't survive for 10minutes in the breadline. I. Agine if they were sent to the "Socialist Way of Life" settlement!

fred said...

Dear Poster:
you forget that Hillary still won pop vote by 3 m., and Bernie too might have lost electroral vote from Russian involvement. Yes. I said that. We wait now for some time to pass to see if I am right or wrong.

What is not said here: the young are saying they are screwed on health care, college loans and growing wage gap...they seem then to want an alternative, perhaps welfare state, ie Netherlands etc. But they know they are not doing well under present system, and no one seems seriously doing anything about it.

Unknown said...

" Bernie too might have lost electroral vote from Russian involvement." - Fred


First, I do not know what an electroral vote is.

Second, we know that Hillary stole the primaries form Bernie before the primaries and during it. It is the reason Debbie Wasserman-Shultz had to resign. Are you conveniently forgetting that?

Donna Brazile just wrote a book stating that Hillary stole the primaries from Bernie. Maybe if you can still see well enough to read, you might buy Donna Brazile's book and read it. Reading a book has got to be safer than using scissors at your age.

Third, do they really have 'electroral' votes cast during primaries?

Anonymous said...

I think Fred is right. They grew up thinking going to college and getting an education will provide wealth. Then they are slapped with tuition costs 10x higher than the generation before and they can't do jack sh*t. Drop out of college like bill Gates and become super rich. ..sure. ..that's less likely than winning the jackpot. So they finish their degree and half of them have degrees in English or theatre studies lol and then you're really f'ed. But when they made the decision at 17-18 they didn't know they'll be paying off their debt until 45. That's the reality. That's why they want something else. It's not surprising but tuition debt surpassed credit card debt in the US last year. Can you imagine? You have 20-30m millennials who will be enslaved from 17 years on. Think about that.

Anonymous said...

China is very very very different from north Korea and the Chinese in some sense are more capitalistic than Americans. But point taken.. if you say something against the China party in China and you do it consistently, don't think your western passport will save you lol

Anonymous said...

Oh,Aizino please take your medicine. Your doctor told you to take them every day, no exceptions just because the weekend is around the corner, OK? It's for your own good

Unknown said...

Ann Rand spelled it all out plain and simple in "Atlas Shrugged."
If you couldn't see the footprints of the Democratic socialists in America during the last 8 to 10 years you must be blind from playing to many video games.
No doubt about this surveys findings in my mind.
I grew up wanting something and thru hard work and paying attention found a way to survive and thrive that suits me. Life is not fair and it is competitive and harsh but goodness prevails still in American society.
Thankfully we will soon see how close we came to falling into an abyss camouflaged with hope where mama Clinton could pull ALL the strings for those she deemed worthy. Egad