Monday, November 13, 2017

Has President Trump's Policies Fed China's Rise As World Power?

China's President Xi Jinping holds a welcome ceremony for President Trump at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Miodrag Soric, DW: Donald Trump's policies have fed China's rise as world power

Donald Trump's "America First" mantra won him the presidential election, but it may have cost the US its place as world superpower. China is hot on America's heels economically and politically, writes DW'S Miodrag Soric.

US President Donald Trump's rants about China during his election campaign were loud and clear. He claimed that China had been "ripping off" the US for years and stealing its intellectual property. Trump also accused China of artificially devaluing its currency in order to flood the US market with cheap Chinese goods, thereby also putting American jobs at stake. Republican presidential candidate Trump promised a radical change of course. He vowed to impose import tarriffs as a means of pressuring China and putting American interests first.

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WNU Editor: President Trump's has been President for less than 10 months. It is silly to say that President Trump's policies have fed China's rise as world power .... China has been rising for the past 25 years, specifically between 1998 to 2014 when it economy was growing by double digits that helped it to surpass Japan as the world's second largest economy in 2011 .... China overtakes Japan as world's second-largest economy (Guardian). If anything .... President Trump is trying to balance an unsustainable trade imbalance that has financed China's rise in the world .... and I say that it is about time, because the policies of the past are not working.


Unknown said...

Miodrag Soric: A hint of Watergate

Miodrag is a conventional thinker.

Unknown said...

Yes, WNU Ed, Trump has had no influence on what China does or doesn't do. It's extremely unlikely that he ever will. Chinas rise as an economic power and now a military one has been fueled by a seemingly inexhaustible demand for Chinese good of very dubious quality. Similar to Japans rise.

The current Chinese leadership is very pragmatic in spite of some unpleasantness from time to time. I think they are content with waiting for the US to flail itself into far-east marginalism with "American exceptionalism". So far a plan that seems to be working.

It could be turned around by doing a lot of things that are distasteful to many. These would include continuing the slow down in the suicidal increases in healthcare cost, rewarding educators and education, stopping the erosion of the middle class and stop waging wars with the attendant wasteful spending that gets us nothing. Many other things could be done but you have to start somewhere. And of course the US would have to adjust to the reality of China being a large, regional power.

War News Updates Editor said...

Amen to that Jason. Could not have said it any better.