Monday, November 13, 2017

U.S. Officials Admit That They Are Arming Iranian-Backed Militants in Iraq?

Image shows Abrams tank flying flag of the Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, an Iraqi group which supports Syrian government and is backed by Iran. Middle East Eye

Washington Free Beacon: U.S. Admits Possible Role in Arming Iranian-Backed Militants in Iraq

Lawmakers allege State Dept. covering up U.S. military support to IRGC.

U.S. officials acknowledged Iranian-backed forces in Iraq could be using American-made arms, an admission that comes amid growing concern on Capitol Hill the U.S. government is quietly working with militia fighters in Iraq who are directly tied to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), according to multiple sources familiar with the situation.

U.S. lawmakers and military insiders are concerned by what they described as the American government’s continued arming and training of Iranian-backed fighters in Iraq, an ongoing policy that multiple sources described to the Washington Free Beacon as one of the U.S.'s chief foreign policy failures in the region.

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WNU Editor: This is one of those WTF!!!!! moments.


Unknown said...

It is for the same reason we bombed the Hell out of a French town in the waning fays of WW2.

Zinn complained about it.

War machines go full tilt. when the arming of the Shia militias was contemplated and them put in place. The going looked a lot tougher. They thought it would take 3 or 3 times as long and the militias would be more hurt.

They figured if they did not help the militias as odious as they are ISIS would still be there in 2020.

When Ramadi and Fallujah were being fought, many people did not see Mosul falling this year.

Besides that much as Britain had their Arabists, there are Islamophiles in Washington.

Anonymous said...

Washington. Free. Beacon. Enough said.

Unknown said...

The US never misses a chance to learn nothing from the many varied military failures and other foreign misadventures it embarks on. All that we know for sure is Israel right or wrong and we don't like Iran. We are otherwise completely out of our depth.

There are so many varied players fighting for just as many varied outcomes I doubt anybody knows much of what is going on. Add to that the many US players all fighting turf wars and for budgets and we are heading for yet another US sponsored disaster. Everybody thinks they know what they're doing and everybody knows nothing. I think only the Russians have any kind of game plan and even that looks kind of iffy.

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon. This blog has chronicled numerous times U.S. weapons in the hands of these Iranian militias. The Washington Free Beacon is about 8 months late in acknowledging it.

Caecus said...

Considering the US created a new Iraqi army and armed it with US weapons, and then handed Iraq over to the Mullahs, it's no surprise that the equipment ended up in both Sunni and Shia terrorist groups