Saturday, November 11, 2017

Is The Kremlin Pushing Dozens of Fake Trump Sex Tapes?

U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia's President Vladimir Putin talk during the family photo session at the APEC Summit in Danang, Vietnam November 11, 2017. REUTERS/Jorge Silva

John R. Schindler, Observer: Spies Suspect Kremlin Is Pushing Dozens of Fake Trump Sex Tapes

Attempting to get to the bottom of a complex espionage case, untangling multiple strands of secret agentry, is the most challenging exercise in all intelligence work. It taxes the minds of the most gifted counterspies, particularly when the operation extends over years, even decades, and it involves a complex cast of players, some of them Russian.

A half-century ago, when our Intelligence Community was assessing if there were Kremlin moles inside our spy agencies (spoiler: there were), a nasty bureaucratic fight ensued that dragged on for years. The protagonist was James Angleton, the CIA’s top counterspy for two decades, who coined the term “wilderness of mirrors” to describe the impenetrable mystery of certain espionage operations. In typical Angletonian flourish, he borrowed the phrase from a T. S. Eliot poem to capture the enduring mystery of never quite grasping up from down in a case, or knowing who’s really running the show—and looking at it too closely only leads to more confusion.

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Update: Multiple intel agencies claim to have Trump sex videos — but some fakes are floating around: Ex-NSA analyst (Raw Story).

WNU Editor: If such a tape(s) exist, it would have been released a long time ago.


jac said...

The problem is the extreme sensitivity of sex in US. In other country it will bring smile and even laugh in France. The Kremlin has no interest to show these tapes, if they are existing, because any pressure will disappear immediately after showing.

Hans Persson said...

Behold, the work of trolls gets airtime yet again..