Saturday, November 11, 2017

More Americans Have Died From Opioid Drug Abuse Than The Iraq, Afghanistan, And Vietnam Wars Combined

Reuters: Opioid drug abuse has killed more Americans than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam wars combined

* Veterans are twice as likely as non-veterans to die from accidental overdoses of highly addictive painkillers like opioids.
* One effort to address the issue has stalled in Congress — the proposed Veterans Overmedication Prevention Act, sponsored by Senator John McCain.
* US government and healthcare officials have been struggling to stem the epidemic of overdoses, which killed more than 64,000 Americans in the 12 months ending last January alone.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Opioid drug abuse has killed more Americans than the Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam wars combined, and U.S. veterans and advocates this Veteran's Day are focusing on how to help victims of the crisis.

Veterans are twice as likely as non-veterans to die from accidental overdoses of the highly addictive painkillers, a rate that reflects high levels of chronic pain among vets, particularly those who served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to federal data.

U.S. government and healthcare officials have been struggling to stem the epidemic of overdoses, which killed more than 64,000 Americans in the 12 months ending last January alone, a 21 percent increase over the previous year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. About 65,000 Americans died in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  The numbers are staggering, and it is not only an American problem .... Can Ottawa stop Canada’s deadly opioid crisis? (Macleans).


Unknown said...

There is no hope.

The soma from Harveywood does not work as well as it use to work.

This cannot be solved from the dining tables of a country club attended by members of the Combine.

The Hopey Changey guy followed in the path of the "release my 2nd Chakra" guy & "I did not have sex with that woman "guy.

Well Michelle Obama did give fair warning to the hoi poloi to lower their sights in her 2008 Ohio speech.

Jay Farquharson said...


Unknown said...

We just went through one of longest recessions in history with more than one "Summers of Recovery"

Another ‘Recovery Summer’ vanishes

drown (one's) troubles

To blunt or avoid one's emotions by eating or drinking (often drinking alcohol).

I read the Washington Post, a former newspaper, piece.

First, all they could say was suspicious.
Second, Obama signed the bill into law in April 2016. Obama is a might popular president they tell us. He is not up for re-election in 2016,so he can take principled stands. He told us he had a pen. and nothing. No veto. Maybe he was working night and day unmasking Americans?

This crisis has has been going on for a few years and ObamaCare has been around (2010) this whole time. So ObamaCare did not stop the crisis and and the crisis kept getting worse. So we can conclude that ObamacCare took care of the crisis?

ObamaCare was 'Deemed Passed" by aristocrat Nancy Pelosi (Her daddy, Thomas D'Alesandro Jr., was mayor Baltimore.) in December 2009. It took a while for everything to get online. In 2013 the opioid crisis really takes off like a fighter jet going vertical after takes off. Coincidence? The 1st response by the Left? GOOD ALL THOSE OLD, WHITE PEOPLE ARE DYING! NOW WE WILL WIN AT THE BALLOT BOX!

Where are the high profile raids and prosecutions of quacks, doctors?

What are the odds?
Doctor dragged off United Airlines flight reaches undisclosed settlement - The "Gurdian"

"Doctor dragged off United flight was felon who traded prescription drugs for secret gay sex with patient half his age and took them himself - and he needed anger management, was 'not forthright' and had control issues, psychiatrist found"

I see the problem as state medical board allowing criminal doctors to practice. It is also a matter of local prosecution.

Unless a drug company knows these doctors or whatever, they are going to have to use statistical methods. Then what if they are sued, because some practice treat work related back injuries and such?

How can this problem be stopped, when we have a crooked doctor, everyone knows he is crooked and he wins the lottery anyway?

I went to a town in Ohio year ago that had 8 overdoes in 1/2 hour or an hour. I drove the scene of one right on the main drag. It was at a liquor store. I naturally assumed there was a robbery. No someone had OD'd at the liquor store. I thought there had been a robbery. I visited a factory that was closing. It was being moved. Then you have these doctors. When 1st driving into town I was astounded by the number of private drinking clubs in a particular neighborhood being run out of 2 story wooden frame houses. I had not seen something like that before. There were more such signs than a pinball could hit targets in a pinball machine. It was depressing.

Think about it. 2016 and industrial jobs are still being taken out of the rust belt. You're talking about a 2 generation span.

Unknown said...

On what's driving these early deaths

Anne Case: These deaths of despair have been accompanied by reduced labor force participation, reduced marriage rates, increases in reports of poor health and poor mental health. So we are beginning to thread a story in that it's possible that [the trend is] consistent with the labor market collapsing for people with less than a college degree. In turn, those people are being less able to form stable marriages, and in turn that has effects on the kind of economic and social supports that people need in order to thrive.

"LMAO" - Jay

Jay Farquharson said...


Unknown said...

That right they voted for Trump because they do not want to see more friends and family die.

They want jobs.

They do not want another Michelle Obama speech in Ohio about lowering your expectations, while the Mooch has a $300,00 dollar job for Hospital community outreach.

Unknown said...

"“Don’t go into corporate America. You know, become teachers. Work for the community. Be social workers. Be a nurse. ..." - Michelle

The lowdown on the Mooch

"In 2006, the Chicago Tribune reported that Mrs. Obama’s compensation at the University of Chicago Hospital, where she is a vice president for community affairs, jumped from $121,910 in 2004, just before her husband was elected to the Senate, to $316,962 in 2005, just after he took office. And that does not count the money Mrs. Obama receives from serving on corporate boards. She would have been O.K. even without Jack’s magic beans." - Byron York