Wednesday, November 8, 2017

President Trump Will Still Be Able To Use Twitter In China Even Though China Has Blocked The Site

Daily Mail: 'He'll Tweet what he wants': Donald Trump WILL be able to Tweet in China even though the site is blocked as his tweets will be routed through technology on Air force One

* 'The president will tweet whatever he wants,' said senior White House official
* Foreigners can access Twitter and Facebook by using data roaming on phones
* Even if this changed, AirForce One has the technology to access Twitter

President Donald Trump will still be able to Tweet from China even though the site is blocked to Chinese citizens.

'The president will Tweet whatever he wants,' a senior White House official told reporters aboard Air Force One shortly before Trump landed in Beijing.

Trump will likely be connected to US-based service provider, not a Chinese one, leaving him outside reach of the so-called Great Firewall.

But even if this changed, Trump would be able to Tweet from AirForce One which has its own secure WiFi system.

Read more ....

More News On President Trump Will Still Be Able To Use Twitter In China

Trump will be able to tweet in China, where Twitter is blocked by the government -- Washington Examiner/AP
Trump is reportedly using 'special equipment' to bypass China's Twitter ban -- Markets Insider
Trump jumps over China's 'Great Firewall' with first tweet -- DH/AFP
'He'll tweet whatever he wants': Trump tour hits China -- The Guardian
Trump in China: The Twitter President meets the Great Firewall -- James Griffiths, CNN
Even a Chinese Firewall Can’t Stop Donald Trump From Tweeting -- Slate


Hans Persson said...

Why should a US president use local networks? In these chinese and russian hacking era? As soon they got up the first military communication satellite in the 60's, the president had his own channel.

This articles purpose is of course not that Trump can twitter, its that China is anti-freedom. More media should focus on that.

fred said...

dear HP
the difference? China forbids; the U.S. reads secretly
ps: I know people in China who continue to use VPN with no problems

Unknown said...

Sounds P2P- ish

Unknown said...

Fred has a point.

You have to read some media secretly like 'National Review' or the little Eichmans get triggered, come after you, pound on you, and then retreat to their safe spaces.

fred said...

Smith is right
I read pajamas media and got two year sentence
I no longer read weekly standard since they are unkind to trump
I stick with fox

Unknown said...


Try again. We'll give you a mulligan.

1) You debate a liberal and when they disagree with you what do they say?

Oh you're an idiot, you read or watch Fox. The same is said by libs about listeners of various radio shows.

2) Then you have the liberal SJW on campus and elsewhere wanting to ban free speech.

Which proves what I said is correct although I used some hyperbole only in that SJW have not totally gotten their way.

Mr Fred Lapides can lie and or say tongue in cheek that he reads Pajamas Media. The name was changed to PJ Media 6 years ago. I doubt that Mr Lapides has read PJ Media (PJM) in the last 6 years.

"The network's original name was derived from a dismissive comment made by former CBS news executive Jonathan Klein during the 2004 Killian documents affair: "You couldn't have a starker contrast between the multiple layers of checks and balances at 60 Minutes and a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas." - wiki

The name of PJM is the result of liberal SNARK, which we have been putting up with for decades. This snark proves point # 1 I made above.

So Mr. Lapides try again.
- Try to makes sense
- Try to stay on point.

It would help if you put down the scissors and glue. Quit trying to outdo Larry Flynt. After all you are 88.

Unknown said...


I want to help you out man.

The following link gives a link which has a picture. It should be easy to understand.
Although I use to devour Time, Newsweek & 'U.S. News and World Report' in Highs school, my family did not subscribe to those magazines. My mother, a European, subscribed to National Geographic. It was the only magazine we bought.

I mention this to show that it was one of the reputable (at the time), 1st line, top shelf magazines in media.

I remember it for anthropology, archeology and many other things.

The graph is from a November 1976 issue. I don't remember it it like the July 1976 issue. Now that was an issue!

"Climatic Irony Found in An Old National Geographic Magazine"

I remember an editorial in a white collar trade magazine that said that "Yes, the job market sucks and especially for our profession." On the author said" The author said: 'You can learn anything in 4 years'" That is learn some more stuff so you can change you field within your profession to earn the money that you wanted coming out of college.

I figure you have 4 years left. 1 year is enough to learn calculus. 2 years is enough to learn calculus and statistics. Then you are set for stochastic processes. The you can see is Mann is right for yourself instead of relying on your pundit, no your shaman, who got their scientific knowledge in journalism school or law school.

P.S. Such charts showing the ups & down of climate (Temp), might blow your mind.

Don't worry. Your mind will probably reboot and you will be repeating familiar mantras in no time.