Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Case Of Three UCLA Basketball Players Held In China For Shoplifting

L.A. Times: Three UCLA basketball players held in China suspended indefinitely, offer apologies

UCLA basketball players LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill, who have been suspended indefinitely by the Bruins, apologized at a news conference Wednesday morning about the incident in China that had them stay behind on a team trip after they were accused of shoplifting.

At the end of the news conference, UCLA athletic director Dan Guerrero said that the players each admitted guilt and that charges had been withdrawn by Chinese authorities. They had paid $2,200 bail, surrendered their passports and agreed to travel restrictions. The bail was refunded. UCLA paid the expenses incurred by the players who were left behind when the rest of the team returned home, but said they may seek reimbursement.

Cody Riley said: “I want to start off by saying how ashamed and embarrassed I am,” Riley then took full responsibility for shoplifting.

Riley thanked President Trump for intervening on the players' behalf. "We really appreciate you helping us out,” he said.

Riley thanked various staff members and the Chinese police for the treatment they received.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: They have been suspended indefinitely .... UCLA basketball players LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill suspended (ESPN). They are also incredibly lucky that President Trump intervened .... Trump personally asked Xi Jinping to help resolve case of UCLA basketball players arrested in China (Washington Post). I helped a Russian couple that I know whose son was charged for the same infraction in Shanghai about 8 years ago. They were lucky .... it did not cost too much money .... but it took a long time to go to trial (7 months), and after he was convicted he was immediately expelled from the country. I told him later that he was lucky they expelled him .... a shop lifting conviction in China carries a 3 - 10 year prison sentence.


D.Plowman said...

"a shop lifting conviction in China carries a 3 - 10 year prison sentence."

One thing I like about China is its harsh justice.

Unknown said...

Why would these basketball players do this?

Because they are Democrats.

They do not know much about the world and they or their peers have been bailed out, excused or slapped on the wrists before. They thought there was no risk.

Where I live a car is stolen more than once a day. There was a car stolen yesterday and after a high speed chase, the teens wrecked the car and bailed out. They were caught and ... released to the custody of the parents. Or should we say baby mama, egg donor, or Democrat plantation slave?

I live in a deep blue state. With a deep blue lying sheriff, deep blue mayors and deep blue representatives. Paying for the messes of the Democrats is to be expected.

What is happening in my locality no doubt describes the improper upbringing of these American basketball players.

The Chinese newspapers and news readers are surely outraged.

The only good thing is that one of the players thanked Trump.

I think any American resident would have got them released, if they were visiting China anyway. It might have been perceived as a loss of face if it hadn't happened.

If Trump had not happened to coincidently been visiting, these players would have been tried, convicted and maybe served 1/2 a year. They were lucky. Let's see what they do now. I predict that at least one if the 3 will turn out all right. Call it a wake up call.

B.Poster said...


"One thing I like about China is its harsh justice." Me too!!

I DO NOT like the fact that POTUS intervened to get these people off. This only reinforces the idea of the overbearing and interfering American that meddles in the affairs of other countries. For the mid to long range this isn't good.

Also, we need to renegotiate our trade agreements with them and we need their help in a number of areas. I think we can be reasonably certain that they DID NOT release these people out of the goodness of their merry little hearts. In other words, they got something VERY VALUABLE to get this done and the Americans/we/our leaders had to give up something VERY VALUALBE to get this done. What was it? All things considered the best approach probably would have been to publically announce that Chinese justice will take its course, this is an internal Chinese affair, and follow up with strong actions by STAYING OUT OF IT!!

With that said, if strong evidence indicating the young men were somehow framed were to come to light, then perhaps interference on the part of POTUS would perhaps be justified. After all harassing Americans anywhere and everywhere generally costs nothing to very little and is generally very profitable. Unfortunately the actions of POTUS here only reinforce the idea of the meddling American and will make it harder for Americans in the future to operate in places like China and elsewhere around the world. As stated, the best approach would have likely been to allow Chinese justice to run its course without interference. Since what is done is done, hopefully my analysis is wrong.


I live in a deep red state. Things don't seem much different here than what you describe. As such, this problem goes way beyond simply blaming it on Democrats.

Unknown said...

"I DO NOT like the fact that POTUS intervened to get these people off. This only reinforces the idea of the overbearing and interfering American that meddles in the affairs of other countries"

And if Trump had not, it would have been "Black Lives do not matter".

We all know that is how low Democrats would go, because they are LIEberals!

Liberals would have had a field day with the Shanghai 3 falsely accused or still suffering form slavery or something.

Unknown said...

Texas is not a deep red state.

Look at the politics of the big cities.

What they do locally, statewide, and nationally affects law enforcement and culture in part or in toto.

IMO, if you steal a car, you should be hung.