Sunday, November 5, 2017

Tweets For Today


Unknown said...

"Donna Brazile Says She "Feared For Her Life" After Seth Rich Was Killed"

The DNC, the largest criminal syndicate in America

It does not get any better, if Bernie is in charge.

"Rand Paul is 'tackled from behind and ATTACKED by his Democrat-voting doctor neighbor while mowing the lawn at his home"

Seems as though Bernie supporters like to physically attack or kill the political opposition.

"FBI: Gunman had list of six Congress members on him during baseball practice shooting"

Unknown said...

"Why has the intelligence community been so reluctant to release the files? "

- "It took so long because a lot of the story they tell is at odds with the official narrative, according to which AQ had been gravely weakened, and bin Laden himself largely marginalized, by the time of the attack."

So how will The Painted Lady spin Obumble's lies?

- "Other files document the details of the oft-denied cooperation between AQ and the Tehran regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Can you say President Obumble?

-"Still others document relations with Pakistan and with other governments and regimes in the region."

This is a good reason to leave Afghanistan with a clear conscience. Too many Afghans do not fight hard enough and our allies are insipid (looking at you Herr Merkel) or backstabbers (Pakistan).