Sunday, November 12, 2017

U.S. Navy SEAL Candidate Slapped During Training Ends Up In Coma

U.S. Marines and Navy SEALs conduct a debrief during a joint visit, board, search, and seizure exercise as part of composite training unit exercise COMPTUEX in the Atlantic Ocean, July 20, 2015. US Department of Defense

San Diego Union Tribune: Navy SEAL candidate slapped during training ends up in coma, investigations launched

Twin investigations are probing an incident at the Naval Special Warfare training complex in Coronado that left one Navy SEAL candidate in a coma.

Authorities this week said that Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents and members of the Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado are reviewing an Oct. 12 mishap that occurred during a study session for the land navigation course of the Basic Under Water Demolition/SEAL training program, or BUD/S.

As an incentive to correctly answer questions, two sailors allegedly agreed to slap whichever one got a response wrong. BUD/S candidates typically challenge each other to perform acts of physical exertion, such as push ups, because striking another student is forbidden.

Read more ....

Update #1: Navy SEAL candidate left in coma after pal slaps him (NYPost/AP)
Update #2: Navy SEAL candidate is left in a COMA after falling to the ground and hitting his head when he is SLAPPED during Special Warfare training (Daily Mail)

WNU Editor: I have posted enough stories on how tough and difficult SEAL training is, but this sounds more like a punch and not a slap.


Unknown said...

As their training goes on Seals become fragile.

At the end of their training they are watched as they sleep lest an arm or a keg hang over a cot and constrict blood flow causing complications.

There is going to be a mast or a court martial, but that is no hard prediction.

IMO this is potlatch syndrome and people all over the world are susceptible to it from American college fraternities, to indoc (in the U.S. or Russia)

We've seen picture of Russian indoc. Can't find the video I want. And no it had nothing to do with Putin. It was a pic or vid of a Russian instructor doing a flying kick into a Russian conscripts chest.

Then there are or were the tacking on ceremonies. Those could get out of hand. Officially, there was an end put to it.

D.Plowman said...

"this sounds more like a punch and not a slap."

Agreed. It probably was very much so a punch. But the narrative being spinned is a 'slap' because a slap sounds less offensive, less hurtful to the image of a Navy Seal punching a fellow Navy Seal, possibly being forced to do so as well.

Gotta love the spin doctors.

fazman said...

It was a punch for sure, and as tough as their training is it's got nothing on the sas.

Unknown said...


I can't speak to SAS training.

I did not say it wasn't a punch. I believe you. It probably was, 99% to 100% sure.

But Seals are fragile at the end of their training.

About spinning. Probably, 95+%.

Matthew Putnam said...

I had done this training program for 1.5 years starting FEB 2007. I thoroughly enjoyed this program despite the doozy that it was, but can say that if the instructor staff does not like you and they cant get you to quit with voluntary exercise "beatings" and a variety of sleep deprivation reasons/techniques, they will do anything from slap you around a bit to piss on you while getting "beat"/doing pushups in the surf (Instructor Delasrayas). They got rid of "mountain climbers" and "old misery" recently so thats nice though.