Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Chinese Brigades Organized And Trained To Fight As An American Brigade Have An Almost Perfect Record Of Defeating Regular Chinese Units During War Games

© REUTERS/ Rolex Dela Pena/Pool

Don Tse, The Diplomat: China's Americanized Military

The PLA is set to become the largest “American” military force to pose a threat to the U.S.

Two Chinese armored brigades clashed in a week-long training exercise at the Zhurihe Training Base in Inner Mongolia in 2015. Both brigades were equipped with identical armored vehicles and weapons. The Blue opposing forces brigade (OPFOR), however, was organized and fought in the fashion of a United States brigade combat team.

The Red friendly force was crushed. “Within an hour we were hit with airstrikes, enemy satellite reconnaissance, and cyberattacks … Frankly, I never imagined it would be this hard,” said Wang Ziqiang, the armored brigade commander of the Red force. Wang’s political commissar Liu Haitao was caught on camera sobbing after the defeat. In a documentary aired on state television days before the 19th Party Congress in October, Liu said that his unit was initially very confident of victory over the Blue team, which was formerly a sister unit. “But over the course of seven days, we were beaten … we lost because we didn’t meet realistic combat standards when training our troops,” he said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is a must read for those who want to understand why Chinese President Xi is forcing reforms in the Chinese military.


Anonymous said...

People say "imitating is the greatest form of flattery". True, true. But that's usually among friends. What the Chinese do is outright theft of ideas, thoughts, IP, everything. They copy -everything-, then a few years later they will come up with a 9 dash line or some other crazy as* sh*t and just claim it all to themselves, forgetting what they stole, forgetting how they copied. Not even admitting it.

The Chinese common guy? Sits behind a Firewall and doesn't know what we are writing, thinking. He hears what the One Party tells him "We, the Chinese invented it, we so great!"

lol poor souls

James said...

People should read very carefully what Ziqianq has to say. The context, the fact the political commissar was reported in "extremis" in such a public fashion, the listing of actions, and the time frame of operations.

Anonymous said...

Anon , you must be kidding "theft","copy", this is what all smart nations do , see what best things are and copy and applying them . The US was the best in this game , british navy ship and tactic in 18th 19th, Germany in 20th century weapon , scientist, tech(rocket) , Japanese biological testing . Chinese are using the same tactic , we will see if they are successful .