Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Finland's Largest Newspaper Faces Treason Charges

Main offices for Finland's largest daily newspaper, which is now under investigation over the leaks. Image source: Hakaniemi

Zero Hedge: Finland's Largest Newspaper Faces Treason Charges For Publishing Leaked Files On Spy Ops Targeting Russia

A bizarre story of a police raid on a Finnish journalist's home is drawing international attention, especially as it occurred in a country known for its protection of press freedoms. The journalist is Laura Halminien from Finland's largest daily newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, where she published a bombshell investigative report on Saturday based on previously leaked documents connected to a Finnish intelligence operation which closely monitors Russian military movements just across the border in the St. Petersburg region.

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WNU Editor: So much for freedom of the press in Finland.


Anonymous said...

@WNU.. common dude... as a journalist you have to wager between the public's right to know (especially if its in danger etc) and the governments serious challenges to protect. I do not see what has been gained to publish the presence of this complex. It is part of the governments job to protect. What have they violated?
What she has violated: A multibillion project that aims to keep peace and fend of Russian aggression. which is real. So the damage she has done is significant and might put people's life at risks.
I would not seriously question the freedom of press in Finland.. it is doing much much much better than eg Russia - the country it tries to protect its citizens from. I can sleep very well knowing that our governments do their best to look out for us in this very real, dangerous new world we live in.. from hackers coming for our savings to states like North Korea cyber attacking us, to Russia trying to sabotage our cohesion as a society and information pathways. This is all happening, and these things are there to protect us ffs. She has done the same job as a Russian spy. What have WE gained from it, other than a multibillion loss? Information that it existed? Great, we put people in power to do just that, so we can focus on our relatively easy daily lives

Anonymous said...

And one more thing, WNU, you realise that Zerohedge is very much like RT? They are one step away from being classified as foreign agent (for Russia).. all stories on Zerohedge are pro Russian, anti Western. All of them. You should know better than to point to such a trash website that makes money off people by luring them to buy speculative financial products and manipulate the market.. zzzzz

What do others here think about Zerohedge? Let me guess.. Bposter loves them (and gets tissues ready whenever he visits their website) lol :)))

Anonymous said...

I view zerohedge like any other news outlet, 90% entertainment, 10% news. The question is who really does any better than that?

Anonymous said...

Well if they would make fun of putin or would criticise Russia for once and not be so one sided (likely propaganda outlet that appeals to simple minded people who just want infotainment even if it's only half the truth, surely you're not one of those are you? )

Anonymous said...

These are fair questions to ask, but you should be asking them of every news outlet you encounter. Everyone has a narrative, you just have to be smart enough to see it, and if you don't, then you are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

You do know that people seek out reenforcement of their own believes..?.hence why consumption of trash media is so telling