Wednesday, December 20, 2017

In Court Filings The Author Of The Russian Dosssier Linking President Trump To Russia Is Now 'Hedging' His Claims

Christopher Steele, CBS

Washington Times: Faced with libel lawsuit, dossier drafter Christopher Steele hedges on linking Trump to Russia

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who fueled an ongoing investigation into President Trump’s administration, was a lot more confident of his charges when he wrote his now-notorious 2016 dossier than he is today in defending it in a libel lawsuit.

While Mr. Steele stated matter-of-factly in his dossier that collusion between Mr. Trump and the Russian government took place, he called it only “possible” months later in court filings. While he confidently referred to “trusted” sources inside the Kremlin, in court he referred to the dossier’s “limited intelligence.”

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WNU Editor: Now that this case is in the courts .... and where evidence and testimony must be presented .... I cannot say that I am not surprised that a different narrative is now emerging from the author of the Trump-Russian dossier. Bottom line .... on the claim that President Trump's campaign team colluded with the Russians .... Christopher Steele has offered no proof to the court. Just his opinions and analysis .... which looks more shaky now than when he first made his claims of Trump colluding with the Russians last year.


Anonymous said...

Does this guy realise what he has caused? How can he be so reckless? Either he has proof in some shape or form or he's just a guy who made money off selling an opinion / hit piece to Clinton and inciting the whole world in the process. Wtf was he thinking??
If he cannot show any evidence I'd hope he has to return all money and go to jail for nearly causing conflict between US and Russia and surely causing violence and perhaps deaths in the US because of conflicts between Democrats and republicans.

B.Poster said...


I could not have put this any better myself. I would add that given the shakiness of the evidence to begin it is hard to believe that anyone in the US would have even taken this seriously but they did and based policy positions on this.

Then again this is not so hard to believe. As I have been stating here and elsewhere for a very, very long time in fact going back to the mid 1990s, American "intelligence" is staffed and managed at all levels by a combination of incompetent boobs and political hacks whose ideology blinds them. As such, none of these people should be relied upon as a primary source for anything. They may have limited use only to corroborate information provided by primary and secondary sources but that would be about it.

"Wtf was he thinking?" What were any of them thinking. Their reckless actions undermined and likely destroyed a very careful diplomatic effort by team Trump that took many long months if not years to carefully and meticulously put together that might have led to the end of Cold War 2 or, at the very least, defused tensions. I would add that Cold War 2 is a war we can't afford, lack resources to prosecute effectively, and even if we had all of this we didn't and don't need it!!

By their reckless and thoughtless actions these people did the equivalent of pour gasoline on a raging forest fire. Why did they doe this? Apparently it was done by sore losers strictly for partisan political gain. I do believe the mothers who gave birth to these people may one day regret giving birth to them.