Friday, December 22, 2017

Is This The White House's Strategy With Regards To The Mueller Investigation?

Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute: The Trump's Camp Strategy with Regard to Mueller

The Trump team is probably not going to seek to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. To do so would be to provoke Trump's crucial supporters in Congress. Instead, they seem to be seeking to discredit him and his investigation. This is apparently designed to achieve two possible results: the first is to put pressure on the Special Prosecutor to lean over backwards in order to avoid any accusation of bias against Trump and his team. Mueller cares deeply about his reputation for integrity and will want to emerge from this process with that reputation intact. Accordingly, he may err – consciously or unconsciously – in favor of Trump in close cases so that the public will regard him as unbiased and fair-minded.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I have found Alan Dershowitz and Andrew C. McCarthy (from NRO) to be the best when it comes to providing an analysis from a legal point of view on the Mueller investigation and Russia-Gate. Speaking of the Russia investigation, the attention this week was on FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe .... Top FBI official grilled on Comey, Clinton in Hill testimony (CNN). From what has been leaked so far from his testimony (it was done behind closed doors) .... his memory on what former FBI Director Comey told him is perfect and very clear (i.e. Comey told him that President Trump wanted to know if he was loyal), but FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's memory on the Russian dossier appears muddy at best .... Frustrated lawmakers pressed FBI's McCabe for answers on Trump dossier. They got nothing. (Byron York, Washington Examiner).


James said...

Alan's about 15 months late with this analysis. Ask Mao how it's done.

fred said...

The point behind the Fox/GOP anti Mueller attacks is not to stop Mueller but to so discredit him as being partisan, that the president can then with ease hand out pardons to any and all who might be indicted, and to put a screen between the investigation and the GOP/Trump, so that no major consequences take place. Not sure how that approach will work, or if it will work, but it is more sensible a move than removing Mueller

Anonymous said...

Fred, evidence is evidence. Let it be shown who's guilty of what. I'm hoping I'll see Trump impeached (for other reasons, mostly because he's a bigot, a sexist and dangerous to the mind of young people), but I will insist on evidence. We cannot just accuse people and not produce evidence. And partisan bickering and living in each one's bubble is not helpful.

Jay Farquharson said...


Trump's Legal Teams strategy on dealing with Trump, is to continually tell him that Meuller will write a letter claiming Trump is completely innocent, but as September passed, Thanksgiving passed, just before Christmas passed, they keep kicking that can down the road, quieting the tantrum's with claims of "soon".

Trump's Legal Team doesn't have a strategy for "dealing with" the Special Investigation. Their clients are "gaslighting*" them, continually, and their so inept, that it took three months of interviews of their clients by the Special Council, for them to realize that questions were being asked about the Transition, based not on the selectively culled Transition Team e-mails and text messages "volenteered" by Trump's Legal Team and the insider leaked emails, but instead, the full GAO archive of texts and emails.

Trump's Legal Team ain't "ept".

Republicans in the House and Senate are not "united" on how to deal with the Special Investigation,

" Recused" Nunes is running his own "Special Investigation" on the side,

Nunes is of course, flirting with his own Obstruction of Justice charges, sanction and impeachement by the Senate, ( after 2018 Midterms) and is attracting Law Enforcement and Intelligence attention for acying exactly like a paid Russian mole would act.

The Republican's on the House and Senate Commitee's are busy violating norms, playing "dumb", and trying, but failing to refocus the Investigations on the FBI and Meuller. They are trying and failing to "Benghazi" the hell out of it.

Session's is using a Justice Department "B" team, to try to "investigate" the Uranium One conspiracy theory, Given it's the same "B Team" that's lost 117 legal challenges in Court, and faced legal sanctions from Judges, for trying to "float bs", it's probably not going to go well. It will stave off Trump's wrath a little for Sessions.

"Recused" Session's is of course, placing himself in "Double Jepardy" for this.

Faux News is going full "deep state", assasination plots, Uranium One, FBI biased, while omitting and actual coverage of Meuller's Investigations.

Basically, the Republican's and their allies are going for a strategy of trying the case in the Court of Public Opinion, Some are going all in for Trump and Putin, some are muddying the waters, going for "plausible deniability" WTSHTF, on the grounds that they are just "simple morons", but all of them are living in a self reinforcing bubble, as the polls show.

Meuller on the other hand, is looking to try the case in Court, Federal preferred, but State Courts as well if Trump breaks out a Saturday Night Massacre and fist fulls of Pardon's.


Unknown said...

Other president or presidential candidates have supported recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital but they did not have courage. Take for instance President Bubba Clinton

"During the 1992 presidential election Bill Clinton promised that his administration would "support Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel"

Meanwhile Trump comes out the gates to fulfill a contentious campaign promise and does not wait until he is a lame duck (like say Obama on gay rights e.g.). Still Fred does not like him because there is no (D) behind his name.

Unknown said...

In 2008, then-Democratic candidate Barack Obama called Jerusalem the 'capital of Israel'. On 4 June 2008, Obama told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), in his first foreign policy speech after capturing the Democratic nomination the day before, that "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."

Fred will vote for the guy with a (D) after his name even if he lies to to him.


Jay Farquharson said...